...Much evidence on the favorable effects of omega-3 ethyl esters on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality has been obtained in studies performed in healthy subjects and in different clinical settings. Here the clinical effects of omega-3 ethyl ester administration in patients with previous myocardial infarction or heart failure are reviewed, together with a discussion of underlying mechanisms of action. The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of omega-3 ethyl esters, as well as evidence concerning their safety and tolerability, are also reported...
Comments: Many optometrists have started to recommend taking Omega-3s for patients with dry eye. It seems as if every research paper that comes out on the topic of Omega-3s shows how beneficial it is for improving/enhancing our bodies. Is this a new magical drug with incredible powers to confer healing on all body systems? I don't know...but so far it seems as if taking Omega-3s is an idea whose time has come. As always consult with your family doctor before taking any medication or supplement. DM
MainosMemos contains the latest research and information about eye and vision care of children, developmental disabilities, Traumatic/Acquired Brain Injury and other topics of interest to me (and hopefully you!).
Friday, July 9, 2010
Prevalence of Eye Disease in Early Childhood and Associated Factors: Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study
...Overall, at 3 years, 5.7% (95% confidence interval, 5.2-6.3%; n = 881) of children had ≥1 eye condition with 0.24% (0.15-0.3%; n = 45) reported to have associated visual impairment. In the majority, time of onset was reported to be the first year of life. Eye disorders without report of visual impairment were independently associated with lower socioeconomic status, decreasing birth weight, and prematurity. Visual impairment was more likely in those of low birth weight for gestational age and from an ethnic minority group. Maternal illnesses during pregnancy were associated with eye disease without reported visual impairment, as was white ethnicity....
"Bad Romance" Look May Lead to Bad Vision
....Teens and young adults trying to copy Lady Gaga's huge, doe-eyed look from her "Bad Romance" music video should probably think twice -- so-called "circle lens" contact lenses may cause inflammation, pain, and even blindness....
Hypo-accommodation responses in hypermetropic infants and children
...Hypermetropes of all ages under-accommodated compared to controls at all distances, whether corrected or not and lag related to manifest refraction. Emmetropising infants under-accommodated most in the distance, while the hypermetropic patient groups under-accommodated most for near. ...
Many birth defects preventable
...About one in every 33 children born in the United States has some sort of birth defect, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most birth defects develop during the first three months of pregnancy and involve some structural, functional or biochemical abnormality that results in the child's disability or death....But there's a lot that a woman can do before and during pregnancy to reduce the child's risk for developing a birth defect, doctors say. Most of these precautions are common-sense measures that apply to anyone who wants to lead a healthy life.....
Adobe Flash is Going 3D

....Everything is going 3D these days, and Adobe Flash isn’t missing out: The company has revealed it will include 3D support in a future version of the browser plug-in.The news of the update first leaked out via the agenda of October’s Adobe Max conference, which includes a presentation entitled “Flash Player 3D Future.”....
Comments: This 3 D development in the computing world will probably have a much greater and more immediate affect than 3 D movies, TV and video games. Flash is everywhere on every computer...this will bring the joys and sorrows of 3 D to all depending upon the state of the individual's binocular vision system. Will this make the public's awareness of binocular vision anomalies more apparent than the current trends exploiting the 3D phenomenon? Yes. Will optometry continue to shine as the only profession offering treatment that improves 3D viewing activities? Yes. If you want to find a doctor who can help you achieve 3D go to http://www.covd.org and/or http://www.aoa.org and click on the doctors locator tabs today. Ask your eye doctor if they not only diagnose binocular vision problems but also provide treatment for any problems found. Also ask your doctor if they do in-office optometric vision therapy (which National Eye Institute sponsored research showed is the most effective and efficacious therapy now available for these disorders). If the answer is yes to these questions, more than likely you have found an eye doctor who can help you. DM
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Vision, Learning & Dyslexia - All-Pro Arizona Cardinals Wide Receiver Larry Fitzgerald Sets the Record Straight

AURORA, Ohio, July 8 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- In football you expect to be tackled, but too many parents get tackled by all the choices they have to make when they have a child who struggles with reading and learning. As we enter the 15th year of observing August as National Children's Vision and Learning Month, helps to set the record straight on the critical link between vision and learning.
"Parents don't realize that you need over 15 visual skills to succeed in reading, learning, sports, and in life. Seeing '20/20' is just one of those visual skills," says Fitzgerald.
When parents assume that their child's vision is fine it can be quite a maze for parents to navigate to figure out why their child is having so much difficulty with reading and learning, especially when professionals disagree and vested interests are involved. Many parents get overwhelmed by all the information and conflict and just let the system take care of their children by making accommodations. Other parents refuse to be tackled and keep searching until they find real help.
Dr. Katherine Donovan, a psychiatrist from Charleston, S.C., was one of those parents who didn't give up, "It wasn't until my own child had problems with reading that I discovered that my medical training was missing a very valuable piece of information which turned out to be the key to helping my daughter, Lily. While I had taken Lily to many ophthalmologists and learning specialists, desperate to understand why this very bright child still could not read well, or write legibly at age 12, I always got the same answers: 'her vision's fine' and 'she's dyslexic.'"
"As a physician, I had been taught that vision therapy was controversial and could not treat learning disabilities. However, my personal experience with my daughter proved to me that vision therapy worked, when nothing else did," Dr. Donovan shares. "While vision therapy cannot treat learning disabilities, per se, it absolutely corrected a vision problem which was blocking Lily from being able to learn. After a visit with a developmental optometrist who tested over 15 visual skills critical to reading and learning, I was shocked to learn that Lily was seeing double out to three FEET—which meant that when she tried to read, the words were double. No wonder she hated to read!"
Following optometric vision therapy, "Lily now reads 300 pages a day, in her free time; she puts down 'reading' as her favorite hobby; and she has a 95-average at Buist Academy with NO help from me on her homework! Prior to this, I'd been spending three to four hours each night, for many years, tutoring Lily," Dr. Donovan shares with delight.
Even though there is a wealth of optometric research which proves vision therapy works, as Dr. Donovan mentioned there is false information in the medical community about vision therapy. This can be confusing for parents, especially when it comes from their child's pediatrician.
Dr. Joseph Manley, a physician and medical expert witness for medico-legal cases, states, "The conclusions (particularly the failure to recommend vision therapy for children likely to benefit from it) of the American Academy of Pediatrics report on Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia and Vision are based on exclusion of the most relevant data and inconsistent application of the Academy's stated criteria for selecting evidence. They fail to acknowledge abundant published and anecdotal evidence supporting the use of vision therapy. This overlooked evidence includes controlled trials, observational studies, case reports and consensus of experts—the same kinds of data that underpin the daily practice of medical professionals."
Optometric vision therapy treats vision problems that make reading and learning difficult. While vision therapy does not treat dyslexia, vision problems can often be misdiagnosed as learning disabilities such as dyslexia or even ADHD. According to the American Optometric Association, studies indicate that 60 percent of children identified as "problem learners" actually suffer from undetected vision problems, and in some cases have been inaccurately diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
"I was fortunate that my vision problems were caught early in life," says Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald credits the optometric vision therapy he received as a child as one of the keys to his success. He had a vision problem that was making it difficult to pay attention in school and his grandfather, Dr. Robert Johnson, a developmental optometrist in Chicago, Illinois, diagnosed the vision problem and prescribed the appropriate treatment.
Fitzgerald went through optometric vision therapy under his aunt's guidance, Dr. Stephanie Johnson-Brown, who is currently the executive director of the Plano Child Development Center, a not-for-profit vision care service corporation which was co-founded by her father, Dr. Johnson, in 1959. The center specializes in vision education and the identification and remediation of vision development problems in children and adults.
Not all eye doctors test for learning-related vision problems, so it is important for parents to ask the right questions. Call your eye doctor's office and ask the following two questions:
1. Do you test for learning-related vision problems?
2. Do you provide an in-office vision therapy program when indicated, or will you refer me to someone who does?
If the answer is no to either one or both of these questions, visit COVD's website, www.covd.org, to find a developmental optometrist near you.
"Vision therapy made a big difference in my life and my career," says Fitzgerald, "Don't get tackled by misconceptions about the vital role vision plays in your child's education. Take the time to learn more about how vision problems can interfere with success in school and in sports and visit COVD's website today."
About COVD
The College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD) is an international, non-profit optometric membership organization that provides education, evaluation and board certification programs in behavioral and developmental vision care, vision therapy and visual rehabilitation. The organization is comprised of doctors of optometry, vision therapists and other vision specialists. For more information on learning-related vision problems, vision therapy and COVD, please visit www.covd.org or call 888.268.3770.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Summer Safety Tips To Keep Your Kids Safe
Doctors and other experts at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center are providing tips on how to keep your child safe this summer. Safety topics that they focus on include:
Visual field defects after stroke - a practical guide for GPs
Visual field defect after stroke can result in significant disability and reduction in quality of life. Visual rehabilitation aims to maximise the residual vision and decrease functional disability. Understanding the rehabilitation options available, and where to refer patients with visual defects after a stroke, can help patients, and their families, in the rehabilitation process.
This article provides a review of the functional disability from visual field loss and discusses the various forms of visual rehabilitation.
Optical therapy, eye movement therapy and visual field restitution are the rehabilitation therapies currently available. Rehabilitation needs to cater to each patient’s specific needs. Any patient recognized as having a visual field defect after stroke needs prompt referral for further assessment and consideration for visual rehabilitation.
Comments: This FREE PDF is reprinted from Australian Family Physicia n Vol. 39, No. 7, JULY 2010, but is also appropriate as a review of visual fields associated with stroke for the primary care optometrist. Besides discussing visual fields they also briefly talk about saccadic therapy and the use of glasses/prisms and the use of computer Visual restorative therapy. No where do they note that optometrists should be involved in the care of the patient. Considering the growing body of evidence that optometric vision therapy can make a significant change in the life of these individuals (acquired/traumatic brain injury. DM
Visual field defect after stroke can result in significant disability and reduction in quality of life. Visual rehabilitation aims to maximise the residual vision and decrease functional disability. Understanding the rehabilitation options available, and where to refer patients with visual defects after a stroke, can help patients, and their families, in the rehabilitation process.
This article provides a review of the functional disability from visual field loss and discusses the various forms of visual rehabilitation.
Optical therapy, eye movement therapy and visual field restitution are the rehabilitation therapies currently available. Rehabilitation needs to cater to each patient’s specific needs. Any patient recognized as having a visual field defect after stroke needs prompt referral for further assessment and consideration for visual rehabilitation.
Comments: This FREE PDF is reprinted from Australian Family Physicia n Vol. 39, No. 7, JULY 2010, but is also appropriate as a review of visual fields associated with stroke for the primary care optometrist. Besides discussing visual fields they also briefly talk about saccadic therapy and the use of glasses/prisms and the use of computer Visual restorative therapy. No where do they note that optometrists should be involved in the care of the patient. Considering the growing body of evidence that optometric vision therapy can make a significant change in the life of these individuals (acquired/traumatic brain injury. DM
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
ICO Faculty Publications 2009-10
Once again being proud of my ICO colleagues is real easy. Here is a listing of publications over the last year.
Peer Reviewed Publications
• Donati, R.J., Maino, D.M., Bartell, H., and Kieffer, M.Polypharmacy and the Lack of Oculo-Visual Complaints from those with Mental Illness and Dual Diagnosis (MI/ID). 2009: Optometry, 80(5):249-254.
• Maino DM., Viola, SG, Donati R. The Etiology of Autism. Opt Vis Dev 2009:(40)3:150-156.
• Viola SG, Maino DM. Brain anatomy, electrophysiology and visual function/perception in children within the autism spectrum disorder. Opt Vis Dev 2009;40(3):157-163.
Allen, M. Skew deviation: report of a case treated with prismatic spectacles. Optometry and Vision Development, Vol 40 #2: 2009, 94-99
• Dave, R.H., Saengsawang, W., Yu, J-Z., Donati, R. and Rasenick, M.M. (2009). Heterotrimeric G-proteins interact directly with cytoskeletal components to modify microtubule-dependent cellular processes. NeuroSignals, 17:100-108
• Pang Y, Trachimowicz R, Castells DD, Good fellow GW, Maino DM. Optic nerve heads in African American children using retinal tomography. Optom Vis Sci 2009 Dec; 86(12):1346-51.
• Roberts DK, Lukic A, Yang Y, Moroi SE, Wilensky JT, Wernick M. Novel observations and potential applications using digital infrared iris imaging. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers & Imaging 2009;40:207-16.
• Stephanie Klemencic, O.D. Cotton wool spots as an indicator of methotrexate induced blood dyscrasia. Optometry, 2010;81, 177-180
• Pang, Y., Gabriel, H., Franz, KA, Saeed, F. A Prospective Study of Different Test Targets for the Nearpoint of Convergence. Ophthal. Physiol. Opt. 2010 30: 298-303.
• Allison, Christine L. Proportion of Refractive Errors in a Polish Immigrant Population in Chicago. Optometry & Vision Science, 3 June 2010.
Book Chapters and Non-Peer Reviewed Publications
• Maino DM. Identify Binocular Vision Disorders. Optometric Management. 2009;(12) available at http://www.optometric.com/article.aspx?article=103756 (accessed 1/10)
• Maino DM, Good fellow G. Digital Social Networking and Health Care Education. J Optom Ed. 2009 35(1):19-21 available at http://www.opted.org/files/public/JOE_FALL_2009_final.pdf accessed 10/09
• Maino DM. Partly cloudy with a chance of Meatballs. Opt Vis Dev 2009:(40)3:134-135.
• Maino DM. Borg Certification: Resistance is Futile. Optom Vis Dev 2009;40(2):70-71.
• Maino DM. Experiment. Optom Vis Dev 2009;40(1):6-10.
• Maino DM. Neuroplasticity: Teaching an Old Brain New Tricks. Rev Optom 2009. 46(1):62-64,66-70. (Tested Continuing Education Course)
• Cotter SA, Frantz KA. Therapeutic uses of prism for binocular vision disorders. In: Tasman W, Jaeger EA, eds. Duane’s Clinical Ophthalmology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2009
• Goodfellow GW, Maino DM. ASCOTech: Make way, old dog. Optom Educ 2009 Win;34(2):52-53.
Peer Reviewed Publications
• Donati, R.J., Maino, D.M., Bartell, H., and Kieffer, M.Polypharmacy and the Lack of Oculo-Visual Complaints from those with Mental Illness and Dual Diagnosis (MI/ID). 2009: Optometry, 80(5):249-254.
• Maino DM., Viola, SG, Donati R. The Etiology of Autism. Opt Vis Dev 2009:(40)3:150-156.
• Viola SG, Maino DM. Brain anatomy, electrophysiology and visual function/perception in children within the autism spectrum disorder. Opt Vis Dev 2009;40(3):157-163.
Allen, M. Skew deviation: report of a case treated with prismatic spectacles. Optometry and Vision Development, Vol 40 #2: 2009, 94-99
• Dave, R.H., Saengsawang, W., Yu, J-Z., Donati, R. and Rasenick, M.M. (2009). Heterotrimeric G-proteins interact directly with cytoskeletal components to modify microtubule-dependent cellular processes. NeuroSignals, 17:100-108
• Pang Y, Trachimowicz R, Castells DD, Good fellow GW, Maino DM. Optic nerve heads in African American children using retinal tomography. Optom Vis Sci 2009 Dec; 86(12):1346-51.
• Roberts DK, Lukic A, Yang Y, Moroi SE, Wilensky JT, Wernick M. Novel observations and potential applications using digital infrared iris imaging. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers & Imaging 2009;40:207-16.
• Stephanie Klemencic, O.D. Cotton wool spots as an indicator of methotrexate induced blood dyscrasia. Optometry, 2010;81, 177-180
• Pang, Y., Gabriel, H., Franz, KA, Saeed, F. A Prospective Study of Different Test Targets for the Nearpoint of Convergence. Ophthal. Physiol. Opt. 2010 30: 298-303.
• Allison, Christine L. Proportion of Refractive Errors in a Polish Immigrant Population in Chicago. Optometry & Vision Science, 3 June 2010.
Book Chapters and Non-Peer Reviewed Publications
• Maino DM. Identify Binocular Vision Disorders. Optometric Management. 2009;(12) available at http://www.optometric.com/article.aspx?article=103756 (accessed 1/10)
• Maino DM, Good fellow G. Digital Social Networking and Health Care Education. J Optom Ed. 2009 35(1):19-21 available at http://www.opted.org/files/public/JOE_FALL_2009_final.pdf accessed 10/09
• Maino DM. Partly cloudy with a chance of Meatballs. Opt Vis Dev 2009:(40)3:134-135.
• Maino DM. Borg Certification: Resistance is Futile. Optom Vis Dev 2009;40(2):70-71.
• Maino DM. Experiment. Optom Vis Dev 2009;40(1):6-10.
• Maino DM. Neuroplasticity: Teaching an Old Brain New Tricks. Rev Optom 2009. 46(1):62-64,66-70. (Tested Continuing Education Course)
• Cotter SA, Frantz KA. Therapeutic uses of prism for binocular vision disorders. In: Tasman W, Jaeger EA, eds. Duane’s Clinical Ophthalmology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2009
• Goodfellow GW, Maino DM. ASCOTech: Make way, old dog. Optom Educ 2009 Win;34(2):52-53.
ICO Faculty Professional Presentations
I'm biased of course, but I think the faculty of the Illinois College of Optometry are awesome...noted below are presentations made by faculty at the College of Optometrists in Vision Development meeting, The 6th International Congress of Behavioral Optometry/Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association meeting, American Public Health Association meeting, American Academy of Optometry, International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation meeting, The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Meeting. If you see a topic area of interest please feel free to contact the faculty involved in the research...perhaps a joint project could occur in the future.
• Condie J, Johnson J, Allison C. “Does performance on the Test of Visual Perceptional Skills 3rd Edition Vary Between Occupations?” The College of Optometrists in Vision Development meeting, October 2009.
• Allison C, Beatty R. “Unilateral optic nerve hypoplasia and vision loss in childhood.” The 6th International Congress of Behavioral Optometry meeting, April 2010.
• Maino D, Schlange D, Donati R. Bakouris C, Nikoniuk M. A Gun Shot to the Head: Oculo-visual & Perceptual Anomalies. International Congress of Behavioral Optometry/Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association 2010. Ontario, CA 4/10
• Winters J. Primary care physician report and blood pressure in a low income uninsured population. American Public Health Association meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 2009.
• Dominick Opitz, Mirijana Dordevic, Eric Conley. Clear Lens Phacomorphic Glaucoma Demonstrated With Ultrasonography And Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Dominick Opitz, Sherman Gin Yung Tung, Jenny Joo-Won Park , Unsun Sarah Jang Silicone Punctal Plugs As An Adjunctive Therapy To Travoprost 0.004% Ophthalmic Solution in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma And Ocular Hypertension. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Ashley Firby, Eric Conley. A Rare Bilateral Presentation Of Posner-Schlossman Syndrome. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Daniel K. Roberts. Long Anterior Lens Zonule Trait in African-American First-Degree Relatives. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Shana Brafman, Jennifer S. Harthan. Lens Adherence Related To Contact Lens Overwear. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Renee E. Reeder, Jacqueline Haro, Jennifer S. Harthan. Improving Comfort For First Time Gp Wearers With The So2clear Lens. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Mindy C. Nguyen. Utilization of Digital Imaging in The Assessment Of Students'' Performance On Direct Ophthalmoscopy. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Sandra S. Block, Erik Ranta, Daniel Hermanson, Colin Connors. Comparison Of Icare® Tonometer To The Tono-Pen® in Children. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Yi Pang, Kelly A. Frantz. A Prospective Study On Diagnosing Optic Nerve Hypoplasia Using Heidelberg Retina Tomograph And Fundus Photographs. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Marjean T. Kulp, G. Lynn Mitchell, Ida Chung, Amelia G. Bartolone, Janis E. Winters. Correction Of Hyperopia in Children Study (CHICS) Pilot. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Janice M. McMahon, Rebecca Nichols. Eyelid Edema as Presenting Sign Of Nephrotic Syndrome. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Kelly A. Frantz, Yi Pang. Unilateral Optic Nerve Hypoplasia in The Dominant Eye Of a Patient With Anisometropic/Strabismic Amblyopia. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Megan S. Allen, Benjamin Ticho. Cyclic Accomm ative Esotropia in a Child With Associated Hippocampus Abnormality. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Kent M. Daum, Kimberly Betton, Daman Gupta. Does The Use Of Colored Overlays Affect Reading Rate? American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• David Y. Lee, Anne Eng, Lenna Go. Color Differences Between The 2005 And 2006 Editions Of The Ishihara Color Vision Test. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Kaori Asano, Sanjay Rao. Topical Cyclosporine For The Prevention Of Dry Eye Disease: Second Year Of Two-Year Study. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Renee E. Reeder, Jeff Horst, Jennifer S. Harthan, Jacqueline Haro. Managing Patients With Ocular Surface Disease And Hepatitis C. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Jennifer S. Harthan, Renee E. Reeder. Peripheral Ulcerative Keratitis in Association With Sarcoid. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Mindy C. Nguyen. Visualization Of Iriociliary Cyst Using Various Imaging Techniques,American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Ellen S Shorter, Keith Tyler. Venous Stenosis Causing Loss Of Consciousness And Intracranial Hypertension. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Stephanie A. Klemencic. Atypical Maculopathy Associated With Syphilitic Chorioretinitis in The Presence Of Human Immun eficiency Virus. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• David Castells. Optical Coherence Tomography in a Case Of North Carolina Macular Dystrophy. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Ashley Firby, Mary Flynn Roberts. Atypical Stargardt Disease. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Anne Rozwat, Optical Coherence Tomography Of Type 1 Retinal Hamartomas in Tuberous Sclerosis. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Elizabeth Wyles, Leonard V. Messner, Nicholas Lillie. Inner Retinal Cystic Degeneration Following a Central Retinal Artery Occlusion. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Bruce A. Teitelbaum. Retinopathy After Myocardial Infarction: Microembolic Retinopathy Revisited. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Gary G. Gunderson, Dominick Opitz, Jennifer Lin, Kevin Trieu, Katherine Tran, Susan Kelly. The Relationship Of Macular Pigment Density To Foveal Architecture. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Michelle Crist , Sarah Boulais Klein. Multiple Retinal Pigment Epithelial Detachments and Oral Bisphosphonate Use. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Ren, Z, Clinical Connected Care Project-Clinical Communication System for Eye care. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation 2009 meeting.
• G.W. Goodfellow, B.L. Seiller. A Pilot Observational Study to Determine the Prevalence of Usual-Corrected Binocular Distance Visual Acuity among Illinois Lifeguards. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• R.K. Zoltoski, E. Wyles, J.R. Kuszak. Correlation Lens Anterior Star Suture Changes to an Accommodative Response. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• F.T. Collison, M. Huynh, S. Kelly. The Effect of Pupil Size on Perceived Brightness With Yellow Tinted Lenses. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• L.A. Sicks, S.S. Block, A. Keller. Effect of Test Distance on Visual Acuity With Induced Myopic Refractive Error. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• S. Kelly, K. Goodman, T. Makoni, C. Misener, A. Yeh, Y. Pang. Geometric Variables May Cause Errors in Distance Perception. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• R.J. Mack, I. Shaikh, S.J. Farley, C. Caldwell, E. Chaglasian. Myopia and Sun Exposure: Patients With Pingueculum and Pterygium Are Significantly Less Myopic. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• C.L. Allison, D. Schlange. Eye Movements and Their Relationship to Birth Order. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• V. yevseyenkov, L. Gerlach, W.M. Jay. Comparison of Stand-Mounted to Free Space Closed Circuit Television Devices for the Visually Impaired. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• N.A. Manastersky, W.M. Jay. Effect of Peer Pressure on the Use of Low Vision Devices in Visually Impaired Children and Adolescents. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• C.B. Nau, M. Malihi, J.W. McLaren, A.J. Sit. Circadian Variation of Aqueous Humor Dynamics in Older Healthy Subjects. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• J.E. Winters, K.M. Daum. History vs. Clinical Findings Relating to Hypertension and Glaucoma Diagnosis Among African Americans in Rural and Urban Settings. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• Y. Pang, C. Allison, G. Goodfellow, S. Block, K. Frantz. A Prospective Pilot Study of Treatment Outcomes for Amblyopia Associated With Myopic Anisometropia. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• E.A. Knighton, R.K. Zoltoski, D.K. Roberts, J.T. Wilensky, J.R. Kuszak. Increase in Lens Thickness as Measured by A-Scan Ultrasonography in an Older African-American Population. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• M.T. Kulp, D.K. Wallac, E. Lazar, M. Melia, Y Pang. Stereoacuity in Children With Anisometropic Amblyopia. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• J. Ho, M. Luu, Y. Pang. Efficacy of Treatment Options for Anisometropic Amblyopia. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• K.M. Daum, J.E. Winters. Optometry, Illinois College of Optometry, Chicago, IL. Comparison of Systemic and Visual Findings in African Americans in Rural and Urban Settings. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• Pang, Y., Patel, B. Research Collaborations of US Optometry Schools/Colleges Internationally. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation 2009 meeting.
• Condie J, Johnson J, Allison C. “Does performance on the Test of Visual Perceptional Skills 3rd Edition Vary Between Occupations?” The College of Optometrists in Vision Development meeting, October 2009.
• Allison C, Beatty R. “Unilateral optic nerve hypoplasia and vision loss in childhood.” The 6th International Congress of Behavioral Optometry meeting, April 2010.
• Maino D, Schlange D, Donati R. Bakouris C, Nikoniuk M. A Gun Shot to the Head: Oculo-visual & Perceptual Anomalies. International Congress of Behavioral Optometry/Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association 2010. Ontario, CA 4/10
• Winters J. Primary care physician report and blood pressure in a low income uninsured population. American Public Health Association meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 2009.
• Dominick Opitz, Mirijana Dordevic, Eric Conley. Clear Lens Phacomorphic Glaucoma Demonstrated With Ultrasonography And Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Dominick Opitz, Sherman Gin Yung Tung, Jenny Joo-Won Park , Unsun Sarah Jang Silicone Punctal Plugs As An Adjunctive Therapy To Travoprost 0.004% Ophthalmic Solution in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma And Ocular Hypertension. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Ashley Firby, Eric Conley. A Rare Bilateral Presentation Of Posner-Schlossman Syndrome. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Daniel K. Roberts. Long Anterior Lens Zonule Trait in African-American First-Degree Relatives. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Shana Brafman, Jennifer S. Harthan. Lens Adherence Related To Contact Lens Overwear. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Renee E. Reeder, Jacqueline Haro, Jennifer S. Harthan. Improving Comfort For First Time Gp Wearers With The So2clear Lens. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Mindy C. Nguyen. Utilization of Digital Imaging in The Assessment Of Students'' Performance On Direct Ophthalmoscopy. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Sandra S. Block, Erik Ranta, Daniel Hermanson, Colin Connors. Comparison Of Icare® Tonometer To The Tono-Pen® in Children. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Yi Pang, Kelly A. Frantz. A Prospective Study On Diagnosing Optic Nerve Hypoplasia Using Heidelberg Retina Tomograph And Fundus Photographs. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Marjean T. Kulp, G. Lynn Mitchell, Ida Chung, Amelia G. Bartolone, Janis E. Winters. Correction Of Hyperopia in Children Study (CHICS) Pilot. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Janice M. McMahon, Rebecca Nichols. Eyelid Edema as Presenting Sign Of Nephrotic Syndrome. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Kelly A. Frantz, Yi Pang. Unilateral Optic Nerve Hypoplasia in The Dominant Eye Of a Patient With Anisometropic/Strabismic Amblyopia. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Megan S. Allen, Benjamin Ticho. Cyclic Accomm ative Esotropia in a Child With Associated Hippocampus Abnormality. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Kent M. Daum, Kimberly Betton, Daman Gupta. Does The Use Of Colored Overlays Affect Reading Rate? American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• David Y. Lee, Anne Eng, Lenna Go. Color Differences Between The 2005 And 2006 Editions Of The Ishihara Color Vision Test. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Kaori Asano, Sanjay Rao. Topical Cyclosporine For The Prevention Of Dry Eye Disease: Second Year Of Two-Year Study. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Renee E. Reeder, Jeff Horst, Jennifer S. Harthan, Jacqueline Haro. Managing Patients With Ocular Surface Disease And Hepatitis C. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Jennifer S. Harthan, Renee E. Reeder. Peripheral Ulcerative Keratitis in Association With Sarcoid. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Mindy C. Nguyen. Visualization Of Iriociliary Cyst Using Various Imaging Techniques,American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Ellen S Shorter, Keith Tyler. Venous Stenosis Causing Loss Of Consciousness And Intracranial Hypertension. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Stephanie A. Klemencic. Atypical Maculopathy Associated With Syphilitic Chorioretinitis in The Presence Of Human Immun eficiency Virus. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• David Castells. Optical Coherence Tomography in a Case Of North Carolina Macular Dystrophy. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Ashley Firby, Mary Flynn Roberts. Atypical Stargardt Disease. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Anne Rozwat, Optical Coherence Tomography Of Type 1 Retinal Hamartomas in Tuberous Sclerosis. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Elizabeth Wyles, Leonard V. Messner, Nicholas Lillie. Inner Retinal Cystic Degeneration Following a Central Retinal Artery Occlusion. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Bruce A. Teitelbaum. Retinopathy After Myocardial Infarction: Microembolic Retinopathy Revisited. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Gary G. Gunderson, Dominick Opitz, Jennifer Lin, Kevin Trieu, Katherine Tran, Susan Kelly. The Relationship Of Macular Pigment Density To Foveal Architecture. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Michelle Crist , Sarah Boulais Klein. Multiple Retinal Pigment Epithelial Detachments and Oral Bisphosphonate Use. American Academy of Optometry 2009 Annual Meeting.
• Ren, Z, Clinical Connected Care Project-Clinical Communication System for Eye care. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation 2009 meeting.
• G.W. Goodfellow, B.L. Seiller. A Pilot Observational Study to Determine the Prevalence of Usual-Corrected Binocular Distance Visual Acuity among Illinois Lifeguards. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• R.K. Zoltoski, E. Wyles, J.R. Kuszak. Correlation Lens Anterior Star Suture Changes to an Accommodative Response. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• F.T. Collison, M. Huynh, S. Kelly. The Effect of Pupil Size on Perceived Brightness With Yellow Tinted Lenses. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• L.A. Sicks, S.S. Block, A. Keller. Effect of Test Distance on Visual Acuity With Induced Myopic Refractive Error. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• S. Kelly, K. Goodman, T. Makoni, C. Misener, A. Yeh, Y. Pang. Geometric Variables May Cause Errors in Distance Perception. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• R.J. Mack, I. Shaikh, S.J. Farley, C. Caldwell, E. Chaglasian. Myopia and Sun Exposure: Patients With Pingueculum and Pterygium Are Significantly Less Myopic. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• C.L. Allison, D. Schlange. Eye Movements and Their Relationship to Birth Order. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• V. yevseyenkov, L. Gerlach, W.M. Jay. Comparison of Stand-Mounted to Free Space Closed Circuit Television Devices for the Visually Impaired. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• N.A. Manastersky, W.M. Jay. Effect of Peer Pressure on the Use of Low Vision Devices in Visually Impaired Children and Adolescents. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• C.B. Nau, M. Malihi, J.W. McLaren, A.J. Sit. Circadian Variation of Aqueous Humor Dynamics in Older Healthy Subjects. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• J.E. Winters, K.M. Daum. History vs. Clinical Findings Relating to Hypertension and Glaucoma Diagnosis Among African Americans in Rural and Urban Settings. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• Y. Pang, C. Allison, G. Goodfellow, S. Block, K. Frantz. A Prospective Pilot Study of Treatment Outcomes for Amblyopia Associated With Myopic Anisometropia. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• E.A. Knighton, R.K. Zoltoski, D.K. Roberts, J.T. Wilensky, J.R. Kuszak. Increase in Lens Thickness as Measured by A-Scan Ultrasonography in an Older African-American Population. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• M.T. Kulp, D.K. Wallac, E. Lazar, M. Melia, Y Pang. Stereoacuity in Children With Anisometropic Amblyopia. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• J. Ho, M. Luu, Y. Pang. Efficacy of Treatment Options for Anisometropic Amblyopia. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• K.M. Daum, J.E. Winters. Optometry, Illinois College of Optometry, Chicago, IL. Comparison of Systemic and Visual Findings in African Americans in Rural and Urban Settings. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2010 Annual Meeting.
• Pang, Y., Patel, B. Research Collaborations of US Optometry Schools/Colleges Internationally. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation 2009 meeting.
Chiropractic care for paediatric and adolescent Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A systematic review
...To date there is insufficient evidence to evaluate the efficacy of chiropractic care for paediatric and adolescent AD/HD. The claim that chiropractic care improves paediatric and adolescent AD/HD, is only supported by
low levels of scientific evidence. In the interest of paediatric and adolescent health, if chiropractic care for AD/HD is to continue, more rigorous scientific research needs to be undertaken to examine the efficacy and effectiveness of
chiropractic treatment. Adequately-sized RCTs using clinically relevant outcomes and standardized measures to examine the effectiveness of chiropractic care verses no-treatment/placebo control or standard care (pharmacological and psychosocial care) are needed to determine whether chiropractic care is an effective alternative intervention for paediatric and adolescent AD/HD.....
Comments:This article is open access and if you click the title above you should be able to read it immediately. I do not know much about Chiropractic care...but this article is a nice review and has a good discussion about Levels of Evidence. DM
low levels of scientific evidence. In the interest of paediatric and adolescent health, if chiropractic care for AD/HD is to continue, more rigorous scientific research needs to be undertaken to examine the efficacy and effectiveness of
chiropractic treatment. Adequately-sized RCTs using clinically relevant outcomes and standardized measures to examine the effectiveness of chiropractic care verses no-treatment/placebo control or standard care (pharmacological and psychosocial care) are needed to determine whether chiropractic care is an effective alternative intervention for paediatric and adolescent AD/HD.....
Comments:This article is open access and if you click the title above you should be able to read it immediately. I do not know much about Chiropractic care...but this article is a nice review and has a good discussion about Levels of Evidence. DM
For a few, 3-D effects are not so special: Projection technique uncovers vision problems, even makes some people sick

Rachel Saslow a Washington Post Staff Writer in this article tells the story of how I helped my patient with 3 D Vision Syndrome.....she didn't always quote me accurately...but came pretty close most of the time.
The story noted that my patient.. "tested her eyes this spring after three months of therapy by going to see "Shrek Forever After" in 3-D. She felt nervous, but Maino insisted that she try; it was her vision therapy "homework." She didn't get sick at all and was so excited by her progress that she text-messaged Maino right away.
"I used to frown a lot when I was talking to people because I couldn't hold them still; they were spinning in a way," she says. "I don't frown as much anymore, and when I'm reading my eyes don't strain as much."
Although the optometric vision therapy was over a 3 month period of time, we actually only had 9 therapy sessions before prescribing home vision therapy to ensure she kept all the fine results she achieved from therapy. She is much better now...no headaches, dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, double vision and eye strain.
One of my ophthalmologic colleagues interviewed for this story said "If you get a headache, it doesn't mean you need to rush to the eye doctor because something is horribly wrong with your eyes. It just means that, for whatever reason, your brain isn't comfortable seeing 3-D and you shouldn't do it."
I couldn't disagree with him more....even if even if nothing "is horribly wrong" while watching 3 D movies, TV or video games...you do not have to suffer and deny yourself the 3 D experience. If you experience any symptoms while watching 3 D movies or...if you "just don't get it"...no 3 D effect...go to the College of Optometrists in Vision Development webpage http://www.covd.org and/or to the American Optometric Association webpage http://www.aoa.org doctor locator tab to find a doctor who can help.
I should also mention that a patient of Baltimore optometrist, Dr. Paul Harris (who is my friend and colleague), was also quoted in this story.
For more information go to
3-D: Healthbeat Report - The 3-D Dilemma
3-D TV and Movies Look to Attract Viewers But Not Everyone Can 'See' What All the Hype is About
3 D Movie Vision Syndrome
Want to see examples of optometric vision therapy? Just click the URLs below
Split Vectogram Biocular Handeye/Accommodation
Computer Vergence Paddle Ball
Vision Therapy/Orthoptics for Symptomatic Convergence Insufficiency in Children: Treatment Kinetics.
...The rate of improvement is more rapid for clinical signs (near point of convergence and positive fusional vergence ) than for symptoms in children undergoing treatment for Convergence Insufficiency. OBVAT results in a more rapid improvement in symptoms, NPC and PFV, and a greater percentage of patients reaching pre-determined criteria of success when compared with home-based pencil push-ups , home-based computer vergence/accommodative therapy and pencil push-ups, or office-based vergence/accommodative therapy with home reinforcement....
Comments: In this CITT study the clinical signs improve before the symptoms which makes sense to me except for the fact that most of my patients seem to have improved symptoms before the clinical findings improve. I'm going to need to take a closer look at what my patients tell me and when they tell it to me in regards to symptoms. Will keep you posted! DM
Comments: In this CITT study the clinical signs improve before the symptoms which makes sense to me except for the fact that most of my patients seem to have improved symptoms before the clinical findings improve. I'm going to need to take a closer look at what my patients tell me and when they tell it to me in regards to symptoms. Will keep you posted! DM
Attention Problems Traced to Time Spent Gaming
...A large study found that children who spent more than three hours in front of a computer or television screen -- whether playing video games or watching TV -- were significantly more likely to have attention problems...
Monday, July 5, 2010
Visual demands in elementary school.
....Average visual acuity demands in these classrooms at distance ranged from 20/100 to 20/300 for children in grades kindergarten to 2 and from 20/60 to 20/100 for grades 3 to 5. The average near demand ranged from 20/100 to 20/500 for all grades at 16 inches....
Comments: This is one of those good news/bad news situations. It is good that we know what the visual acuity demands are....it is unfortunate that some may interpret this so that visual acuity is all we need to be concerned about. Students in elementary school have ever increasing vision demands...but not only on visual acuity. Today they need sustained vergence, appropriate accommodative responses to the stimulus, and the ability to visually track and move the eyes in an appropriate fashion. They also require vision information processing skills that can adapt/adjust to the learning environment and new technology. I suggest that all of these areas be accessed when the child comes to us for vision care. If not you, who? DM
Comments: This is one of those good news/bad news situations. It is good that we know what the visual acuity demands are....it is unfortunate that some may interpret this so that visual acuity is all we need to be concerned about. Students in elementary school have ever increasing vision demands...but not only on visual acuity. Today they need sustained vergence, appropriate accommodative responses to the stimulus, and the ability to visually track and move the eyes in an appropriate fashion. They also require vision information processing skills that can adapt/adjust to the learning environment and new technology. I suggest that all of these areas be accessed when the child comes to us for vision care. If not you, who? DM
The effect of recent amblyopia research on current practice in the UK.
...The uptake of recent evidence into clinical practice is sporadic and incomplete with one-third of respondents indicating that following the studies, they had made no changes whatsoever to their practice. This is similar to other areas of medicine; the reasons are likely to be varied, and is an area that would benefit from greater attention....
Comments: All of us who practice the healing arts should be ashamed about this...but we should also be eager to get the word out that our patients no longer need to suffer the quality of life threatening outcomes of untreated amblyopia. The research clearly shows that amblyopia is treatable....at any age. (Of course the younger the better). Go to PubMed and search PEDIG and amblyopia...and let's bring our practices into the 21st century. I heard it said that the only way to bring new ideas into clinical practice is thru education...or you have to wait until all the old guys die off! As I become more chronologically enhance....I promise my patients that I will try to keep my practice as up to date as possible...will you make that same promise? DM
Comments: All of us who practice the healing arts should be ashamed about this...but we should also be eager to get the word out that our patients no longer need to suffer the quality of life threatening outcomes of untreated amblyopia. The research clearly shows that amblyopia is treatable....at any age. (Of course the younger the better). Go to PubMed and search PEDIG and amblyopia...and let's bring our practices into the 21st century. I heard it said that the only way to bring new ideas into clinical practice is thru education...or you have to wait until all the old guys die off! As I become more chronologically enhance....I promise my patients that I will try to keep my practice as up to date as possible...will you make that same promise? DM
Treatment of accommodative insufficiency with plus lens reading addition: is +1.00 D better than +2.00 D
Wahlberg M, Abdi S, Brautaset R.Treatment of accommodative insufficiency with plus lens reading addition: is +1.00 D better than +2.00 D?Strabismus. 2010 Jun;18(2):67-71.
...The results indicate that +2.00 D reading addition does not exercise the accommodative system in the same amount as +1.00 D reading addition to improve the accommodative amplitude. We therefore recommend that +2.00 D reading addition is not used for treatment of AI....
Comments: This article is amazing on several counts. As far as I can tell this is one of the few times I've seen an article in the ophthalmology literature that acknowledges the existence of accommodative insufficiency (AI) that is not presbyopia or due to a neurological disorder. It is also unusual that an OMD would prescribe a child with bifocals that doesn't have accommodative esotropia.
So far I have only read the abstract but am getting the article so I can read the full text. The abstract did not say how they diagnosed the AI. Most OMDs are not familiar with the various ways AI can be assessed (MEM, NRA, PRA, Facility, Amplitudes,etc....if you do not believe AI is possible in children...well, you typically do not test for it.
I am also thrilled by the phrase "The results indicate that +2.00 D reading addition does not exercise the accommodative system... ..." because this acknowledges that accommodative function can be treated and its function improved.
This sounds like functional optometry to me! DM
...The results indicate that +2.00 D reading addition does not exercise the accommodative system in the same amount as +1.00 D reading addition to improve the accommodative amplitude. We therefore recommend that +2.00 D reading addition is not used for treatment of AI....
Comments: This article is amazing on several counts. As far as I can tell this is one of the few times I've seen an article in the ophthalmology literature that acknowledges the existence of accommodative insufficiency (AI) that is not presbyopia or due to a neurological disorder. It is also unusual that an OMD would prescribe a child with bifocals that doesn't have accommodative esotropia.
So far I have only read the abstract but am getting the article so I can read the full text. The abstract did not say how they diagnosed the AI. Most OMDs are not familiar with the various ways AI can be assessed (MEM, NRA, PRA, Facility, Amplitudes,etc....if you do not believe AI is possible in children...well, you typically do not test for it.
I am also thrilled by the phrase "The results indicate that +2.00 D reading addition does not exercise the accommodative system... ..." because this acknowledges that accommodative function can be treated and its function improved.
This sounds like functional optometry to me! DM
I just had my house and all it's digital gadgets WiFied...a hard drive "fixed" and more. Being somewhat tech savvy I usually do this kind of stuff by myself, but since there were other "issues" beyond my knowledge base, I called upon Mr. Kevin Grant VP of Grant-Tech.net to help out. The end result is that everything is working nicely or because of Kevin's advice, I know how to get those %^[email protected]&* blasted devices working myself saving a couple of $$$.
So if you are in the Chicago-land area contact Kevin or Chris and tell 'em Dominick sent ya! (BTW I have no financial interest in this company.) DM
So if you are in the Chicago-land area contact Kevin or Chris and tell 'em Dominick sent ya! (BTW I have no financial interest in this company.) DM
MIT Develops Android Optometry App

...What a patient does is to continue to adjust the image things comes into focus, and viola, you have a prescription...
Comments: If you think a prescription for glasses is only measuring your "refractive error" you are probably in for a disappointment with this device. On the other hand...if used in 3rd World countries it could be spectacular! DM
No autism epidemic - Part One
...You are out for a drive, when a policeman waves you over. He looks at your dashboard, and declares "I see that you have a full tank of gas. I'm giving you a ticket for speeding!" Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Yet, lots of otherwise sensible people make a similar error when they equate the increase in the percent of children with an ASD diagnosis (prevalence) with an increase the rate at which new cases of ASD are occurring (incidence). You have both a gas gauge and a speedometer on your dashboard, but you cannot equate one with the other; the same is true for prevalence and incidence of ASD....
Comments: This pediatrician takes the hype out of autism....read this now by clicking on the title above. DM
Comments: This pediatrician takes the hype out of autism....read this now by clicking on the title above. DM
No vaccine-autism link: Get kids shots
...What nobody knew was that the British doctor who claimed vaccines caused autism, Andrew Wakefield, had his own secrets. Among them, that he had performed some very risky, invasive experiments on children without approval from the hospital he worked at; that he had accepted nearly a million dollars from legal firms suing vaccine manufacturers; and that he had applied for a patent for a replacement vaccine to the one he claimed caused autism, which would have made him a very rich man....
Love that chocolate!
From Medical Break Throughs by Invanhoe:
A Chocolate a Day Keeps the Doctor Away:
Chocolate is loaded with antioxidants, calcium, potassium and vitamins B-2 and E.
The darker you go the better. The darker it is means it has more cocoa - an ingredient shown to trigger the release of neurotransmitters that help alleviate depression.
Chocolate can also help relieve stress. In a recent study those who ate about an ounce and a half of dark chocolate every day for two weeks, reduced their stress hormones.
Theobromine, an ingredient in chocolate, is more effective at stopping persistent coughs than codeine.
Chocolate is also good for your heart, it contains oleic acid - a monounsaturated fat that helps boost good cholesterol levels.
Flavanols in chocolate MAY help prevent arteries from hardening.
Sources: Journal of Proteome Research, November 2009; Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal, November 2004, and California Academy of Sciences
A Chocolate a Day Keeps the Doctor Away:
Chocolate is loaded with antioxidants, calcium, potassium and vitamins B-2 and E.
The darker you go the better. The darker it is means it has more cocoa - an ingredient shown to trigger the release of neurotransmitters that help alleviate depression.
Chocolate can also help relieve stress. In a recent study those who ate about an ounce and a half of dark chocolate every day for two weeks, reduced their stress hormones.
Theobromine, an ingredient in chocolate, is more effective at stopping persistent coughs than codeine.
Chocolate is also good for your heart, it contains oleic acid - a monounsaturated fat that helps boost good cholesterol levels.
Flavanols in chocolate MAY help prevent arteries from hardening.
Sources: Journal of Proteome Research, November 2009; Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal, November 2004, and California Academy of Sciences
Childhood malnutrition could weaken brain function in elderly
.....Malnutrition early in life appears to diminish brain function in older adulthood, according to a study led by a Michigan State University researcher that has implications for many poor, developing nations.....
The study of more than 15,000 elderly people in China suggests that fighting hunger throughout childhood not only saves lives and improves health but also may enhance cognitive well-being in late life. The study appears in the journal Social Science & Medicine....
The study of more than 15,000 elderly people in China suggests that fighting hunger throughout childhood not only saves lives and improves health but also may enhance cognitive well-being in late life. The study appears in the journal Social Science & Medicine....
Commentary on "How Does This Happen?"
Comments: My friend and colleague made this comment regarding children not getting appropriate eye and vision care in a timely manner:
Hi Dominick,
I agree 100%. I find this more of an issue with Convergence Insufficiency and uncorrected cyls [astigmatism] mostly (yeah, -2.00DS beats me though). I had a 45 year old the other day who was in for his FIRST eye examination and he 6/60 acuity in one eye and never realized it - come on. Sent him for VFs etc just to be on the safe side, but there was a history of learning issues at school in his youth. Should eye examinations be mandated - hell yes. This is definite no brainer. In Canada, only 15-30% (tops) of children have their eyes examined prior to entering high school (yes...HIGH SCHOOL). This is just nuts in a so called developed country. Keep up the blog Dominick, glad to see someone cares!
Dr. Pat Quaid
Comments 2: Pat...it is indeed a sad reflection upon our countries that we cannot (actually will not) provide or mandate the basics for our children. Sure they must have a physical and dental evaluation before going to school....these children do not use their teeth to learn....they use their visual system.... Shame on the politicians, shame on organized medicine which does not recognize the need for vision care and then fights optometry on this at every opportunity. Parents tell me of many children suffering needlessly. Go to the Vision First Foundation website to see how one parent wouldn't accept the status quo and fought to bring mandatory eye exams for children entering Kindergarten.
If we were to examine all infants between 6-12 months of age we could stamp out amblyopia (go to the American Optometric Association's InfantSee website.) The AOA member doctors who participate in the InfantSee program provide no-cost evaluations for these children.
If we were to examine all children while they are in school once a year, we could diagnose and treat all learning related vision problems. Imagine how many children would be helped. Imagine these children (and their families) not suffering the immediate and long term after affects of school failure. Imagine our leaders finally getting their act together to ensure our children succeed. DM
Hi Dominick,
I agree 100%. I find this more of an issue with Convergence Insufficiency and uncorrected cyls [astigmatism] mostly (yeah, -2.00DS beats me though). I had a 45 year old the other day who was in for his FIRST eye examination and he 6/60 acuity in one eye and never realized it - come on. Sent him for VFs etc just to be on the safe side, but there was a history of learning issues at school in his youth. Should eye examinations be mandated - hell yes. This is definite no brainer. In Canada, only 15-30% (tops) of children have their eyes examined prior to entering high school (yes...HIGH SCHOOL). This is just nuts in a so called developed country. Keep up the blog Dominick, glad to see someone cares!
Dr. Pat Quaid
Comments 2: Pat...it is indeed a sad reflection upon our countries that we cannot (actually will not) provide or mandate the basics for our children. Sure they must have a physical and dental evaluation before going to school....these children do not use their teeth to learn....they use their visual system.... Shame on the politicians, shame on organized medicine which does not recognize the need for vision care and then fights optometry on this at every opportunity. Parents tell me of many children suffering needlessly. Go to the Vision First Foundation website to see how one parent wouldn't accept the status quo and fought to bring mandatory eye exams for children entering Kindergarten.
If we were to examine all infants between 6-12 months of age we could stamp out amblyopia (go to the American Optometric Association's InfantSee website.) The AOA member doctors who participate in the InfantSee program provide no-cost evaluations for these children.
If we were to examine all children while they are in school once a year, we could diagnose and treat all learning related vision problems. Imagine how many children would be helped. Imagine these children (and their families) not suffering the immediate and long term after affects of school failure. Imagine our leaders finally getting their act together to ensure our children succeed. DM
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