As you can tell from my last few posts, I am on a 3 D kick! So I thought I'd show you this video that tells you how to make your own 3 D movie. If you cannot see the 3 D. Call me!! DM
MainosMemos contains the latest research and information about eye and vision care of children, developmental disabilities, Traumatic/Acquired Brain Injury and other topics of interest to me (and hopefully you!).
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
3D Movies: The Mask

In 1961, the Hollywood thriller fad was long over, and so was the 3-D craze. The Mask represented a reinvention of 3-D horror, the more so because it didn't come from Hollywood. It was the first Canadian-made film widely distributed in the United States, and the only one in 3-D. It tells the story of a psychiatrist who is driven to nightmarish hallucinations by a mysterious mask, which he cannot stop putting on.
Comments: This was the one...that at the time...did indeed tend to scare. There was one scene where the monster "reached" out into the audience....and you could almost "feel" his hand upon your face. No 3D movie vision syndrome back least none we heard about! Remeber if you go to a current 3D movie and get blurred vision, headaches, eye strain, you family optometrist today! Got to and for more info. DM
3D Movies Back When I was....well Less Chronologically Enhanced!

13 Ghosts was filmed in "Illusion-O". At the theatre doors, you were handed a ghost viewer/remover with strips of red and blue cellophane to use at certain times in the film. Depending on which side they looked through, the audience was able to either see or not see the ghosts on screen in the event they were too scary to handle. Prompts would come on screen telling you when to use your viewer.
Comments: This was considered the state of the art back then...and soon faded from the big screen. Of course, 3D viewing is a great deal different these if you have symptoms....see your optometrist today.
3 D Movies, 3 D Television, 3 D Video Games and Radio?

As you should know by now, the American Optometric Association is very concerned about those who suffer eye strain, blurred vision, diplopia (see double), headaches, nausea and more after watching 3D Movies, 3D Television, or while playing 3D Video Games. The AOA has been kind enough to ask me to be its spokesperson on this topic to various media around the country (no pressure there!! (;-}>)
I just finished being interviewed on KFAB-AM in Omaha, CNN Radio National, and WDIS-AM in Boston. All 3 were taped you never know just what will be played. I do not have a time as to when they will air, but will keep all posted and place links here when I know.
I, of course, mentioned the AOA and and its 30,000 + members as often as I could....I told the radio hosts that the AOA and its membership are the only doctors trained to diagnose and treat these conditions by using optometric vision therapy and of the NIH NEI clinical trials that support this therapeutic approach.
At the end, I also mentioned the College of Optometrists in Vision Development as another resource for their listening audience.
All in all, it seemed to go was awesome fun....and hopefully, with the the hard work of the AOA...we are getting this important message out to our patients and potential patients! DM
Thursday, April 29, 2010
3 D Movies and Television will hurt your eyes?
3D movies, television annd video games won't so much hurt your eyes as it will make it hurt when you use your eyes and your brain. There is a mis-match between what you know is true (the image you are seeing is really at the distance of the movie screen) and what you see to be true (you see the 3D image closer to you), If your binocular vision system is not operating at top efficiency you can suffer eye strain, double vision, blurred vision, headache and even nausea.
The only way to make sure all is OK is to have an eye care professional who is either a member of the American Optometric Association or the College of Optometrists in Vision Development conduct a comprehensive eye and vision examination.
The optometrist is the eye doctor trained to diagnose and treat these problems with optometric vision therapy. Check out COVD for more info on optometric vision therapy as well.
Please feel free to contact me at the Illinois Eye Institute or Northwest Optometric Associates if you have any additional questions.
The only way to make sure all is OK is to have an eye care professional who is either a member of the American Optometric Association or the College of Optometrists in Vision Development conduct a comprehensive eye and vision examination.
The optometrist is the eye doctor trained to diagnose and treat these problems with optometric vision therapy. Check out COVD for more info on optometric vision therapy as well.
Please feel free to contact me at the Illinois Eye Institute or Northwest Optometric Associates if you have any additional questions.
3 D Basket Ball
My 3D Photographer friend/blogger Almont Green says:
[Above] ... is an example that shows pairs of perspectives in an animated presentation. The left basketball is setup to be viewed by your right eye and the right basketball should be viewed by your left eye. The two tiny gray squares at the very top are used to help you cross your eyes. What happens is as you cross your eyes the dots will move inward and when they are on top of each other your eyes will be crossed in a way that aligns the two different images to a point where you can fuse them into a single view with depth. It can be tricky to do and many people have a great deal of difficulty but I encourage you to give it a go. Of course, my autostereoscopic 3D photographs don’t require you to cross your eyes and you see the hoop stick out of the photograph in a natural way.
Check out his blog by clicking on the title above. DM
Parents Not Providing Adequate UV Protection For Children's Eyes
...While 85 percent of Americans recognize that ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage their eyes, only 65 percent wear sunglasses as protection, and even fewer (39 percent) make sure their children wear sunglasses. By comparison, 78 percent make sure their children wear sunscreen when outdoors....
Comments: Get a GOOD OPTICAL QUALITY pair of sunglasses on your child now! Don't let the sun damage you little one's eyes! DM
Comments: Get a GOOD OPTICAL QUALITY pair of sunglasses on your child now! Don't let the sun damage you little one's eyes! DM
Chokeberry Extract Found To Regulate Weight Gain, Blood Glucose, And Inflammation
...Chokeberry bushes have for centuries been residents of eastern deciduous forests where their bright red and dark purple fruits continue to be favorite snacks of local bird species. Native Americans have also traditionally eaten dried chokeberries and prepared teas from parts of the plant, and several domesticated varieties now grace contemporary lawns and gardens from coast to coast. However, the chokeberry (Aronia) is enjoying a new claim-to-fame as a potentially powerful antioxidant, and can now be found for sale in the dietary supplement and "health food" aisles of your local pharmacies and grocery stores...
The New 'Mobile' EyeXam: ODs Develop Vision Screening iPhone App

From Vision Monday:
The vision screening has gone mobile. Could it prompt more comprehensive eye exams?
Global EyeVentures, Inc, announced earlier this month the availability of its EyeXam iPhone application on the Apple iTunes store.
Nikki Iravani, OD, founder of Global EyeVentures, describes EyeXam to CLICK as “The next generation vision awareness device.” EyeXam features a self-guided method for measuring one’s own visual acuity at distance and near, and was developed by two optometrists. The free download EyeXam also includes color vision plates, an Amsler grid, and eye dominance test. A disclaimer on the app reinforces that the EyeXam app does not replace an examination by a licensed professional.....
How Well Does My Baby See?
This is from the COVD blog and written by my colleague Dr. Shelly Mozlin.
...One of the most common measurements of “how well a person sees” is visual acuity. For older children and adults, optometrists typically use a letter chart to determine the smallest letters the patient is able to recognize. Just about everyone is familiar with this concept of 20/20 visual acuity. But how can you measure visual acuity in an infant? Obviously the baby is not going to be reading the letters on a chart 20 feet away....
...One of the most common measurements of “how well a person sees” is visual acuity. For older children and adults, optometrists typically use a letter chart to determine the smallest letters the patient is able to recognize. Just about everyone is familiar with this concept of 20/20 visual acuity. But how can you measure visual acuity in an infant? Obviously the baby is not going to be reading the letters on a chart 20 feet away....
Where's the Research? Learning Related Vision Problems
From time to time those who dispute that vision has something to do with learning will ask "Where's the research?" Of course they never bother to look for are just a few examples of articles supporting the role of vision and learning.
Many of those articles noted below come from a more complete list compiled by Roger Trudell, OD, FCOVD and can be found at
Fischer, B. A Sensory Fix for Problems in School. 2010 March Issue.
Learning disabilities such as dyslexia and dyscalculia may arise in part from faulty sensory processing.
Testing can identify specific sensory deficits: many dyslexics have trouble interpreting sounds; dyscalculics often show a diminished capacity to recognize quantity on sight, a skill called subitizing.
Targeted training can improve sensory processing, which in turn has a positive effect on reading, spelling and ¬arithmetic skills.
Lawton, T. Filtered Text and Direction Discrimination Training Improved Reading Fluency for Both Dyslexic and Normal Readers. Optom Vis Dev 2008;39 (3):114.
Finding much faster reading speeds for filtered text shows the value of individualized contrast Enhancement to improve reading skills. These image enhancement filters are unique and work well to improve the reading performance of children with contrast sensitivity losses. Moreover, training on direction discrimination improved the reading fluency of both dyslexic and normal readers.
Furthermore, the fact that colored text was always read much more slowly than equiluminant grayscale text may also suggest that the colored backgrounds produced by the Irlen lenses do not improve reading fluency. Finally, both digit image enhancement and direction discrimination training provide effective, convenient, and relatively inexpensive tools to improve reading.
Okumura T., Laukkanen H., Tamai H. Computerized Saccadic Eye Movement Therapy to Improve Oculomotor Control during Reading and Reading Rate in Adult Japanese Readers. Opt Vis Dev 2008: 39(4):191-197
These results suggest that CEMT, without supplementary reading instruction or educational intervention, can improve reading oculomotor performance with adult Japanese readers.
Fischer B, Hartnegg K. Saccade control in dyslexia: Development, deficits, training and transfer to reading. Optom Vis Dev 2008:39(4):181-190.
This study suggests that deficits in antisaccade control but not in prosaccade control contribute systematically to the problems of subjects with specific deficits in acquiring reading skills and that appropriate training can reduce the percentage of reading errors.
Fischer B, Hartnegg K. Instability of fixation in dyslexia: development - deficits - training. Optom Vis Dev 2009;40(4):221-228.
The results indicate that the two types of fixation instability are independent from each other. Both may contribute to problems of visual processing of those with dyslexia and possible other learning problems.
Maino D. The binocular vision dysfunction pandemic. Optom Vis Dev 2010;41(1):6-13.
“In 2010 there will be up to 9.3 million amblyopes and 18 million individuals with strabismus. For children under 18 years of age that means there will be more than 2 million amblyopes and millions Of children with strabismus. A clinical trial to determine the prevalence of binocular vision dysfunction Within the general population suggested the possibility of up to 56% or 60 million men, women and
young adults with symptoms associated with a binocular vision (BV) dysfunction, 45 million (61%) with accommodative problems and 28 million (38%) demonstrating various vergence anomalies….”
Granet DB, Gomi CF, Ventura R, Miller-Scholte A. The relationship between convergence insufficiency and ADHD. Strabismus. 2005 Dec;13(4):163-8.
We report a ... three-fold greater incidence of ADHD among patients with CI when compared with the incidence of ADHD in the general US population (1.8-3.3%). We also note a seeming three-fold greater incidence of CI in the ADHD population. This may simply represent an association and not be a causative relationship. Until further studies are performed, however, patients diagnosed with ADHD should be evaluated to identify ...[those]...that may ...CI ...
Comments: ADHD can certainly interfer with learning! DM
Motsch S, Muhlendyck H. Differentiation between dyslexia and reading disorder due to ocular causes. Ophthalmologe 2001;98(4):660-4.
Summary: Dyslexia is not believed to be caused by basic ocular disorders such as refractive error, accommodative and heterophoria. This study evaluated patients seen in the clinic for the past three years with dyslexia. 85% had ocular findings. 79% showed improved reading after therapy. Most had hyperopia, under accommodation, and exophoria. The results show the importance of correcting even small refractions when reading and writing disorders exist.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=11490745&ordinalpos;=3&itool;=EntrezSystem.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Burkhart F, Klaus H. Effects of visual training on saccade control and dyslexia. Perception 2000;29;531-42.
Summary: This study reports selected dyslexic children showing poor eye-movement control, particularly fixation stability and/or voluntary control. Three training tasks were done daily: 1. fixation 2. saccades and 3. use of a dystractor. The subject had to detect the orientation of a pattern rapidly. The children were give a small LCD device for daily home use. Results showed improved perceptual capacity and voluntary saccadic control. After 3-8 weeks the dyslexic findings were the same as the control group.
Biscaldi M, Fischer B, Hartnegg K. Voluntary saccadic control in dyslexia. Perception 2000;29(5):509-21.
Summary: Many dyslexics show poor saccadic control in both single and sequential tasks. This study tested dyslexics by requiring saccadic movement opposite the direction of the stimulus (an anti-saccade). 620 subjects were tested, 506 were dyslexic and the control had 114. All subjects did a forward saccade and a gap anti-saccade. Saccadic reaction time, number of errors, and number of number of trials the subject failed to complete the saccade were recorded. The results were significantly worse in dyslexics with a 1.5 standard deviation below the control group.
Fisher B, Hartnegg K. Effects of visual training on saccade control in dyslexia. Perception 2000; 29:531-42.
Summary: Three visual tasks were used to train a dyslexic group: a fixation, a saccade and a distractor condition. The subject was to detect orientation of a small pattern. A handheld LCD device was used for the training. Results show that daily training improved perceptual ability and voluntary saccadic control. After 3-8 weeks the dyslexic group matched the control.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=10992952&ordinalpos;=8&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Borsting E, Rider WH, Dudeck K, Kelley C, Matsui L, Motoyama J. The Presence of a magnocellular defects depends on the type of dyslexia. Vision Res 1996;36(7):1047-53.
Summary: Prior studies show that 75% of dyslexics have magnocellular pathway deficits. This study examined adults with both dyseidetic and dysphoneidetic dyslexia had magnocellular pathway deficits. Vertical contrast sensitivity functions were used. Findings show that dysphoneidetic form had a reduction below 10 Hz and dyseidetics did not. Results thus show that the type of dyslexia is consistent with the magnocellular deficit.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=8736263&ordinalpos;=18&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Eden GF, Stein JF, Wood HM, Wood FB. Differences in eye movements and reading problems in dyslexic and normal children. Vis Res 1994;34(10)1345-58.
Summary: Eye movements in dyslexics were studied during non-reading tasks. Fixation, vergence amplitude, saccades and pursuits were tested. The phonological ability of the two groups was compared. Stability of fixation, vergence amplitudes, smooth pursuits and phonological awareness were lower in dyslexics. Backwards reading children were compared to dyslexics and the findings between these two were similar. Sex, handedness, IQ or ADD did not affect performance of eye movement tasks. Oculomotor abnormalities in non-reading tasks show that the deficits are not caused by language problems alone.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=8023443&ordinalpos;=5&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Latvala ML, Korhonen TT, Penttinen M, Laippala P. Ophthalmic findings in dyslexic school children. Brit J Ophthal 1994;78(5)339-43.
Summary: A group of 55 dyslexics compared to a normal group (N = 50) was compared. They were broken down into six subgroups: general deficiency, general language, visuomotor, naming, mixed, and normal. VA, refraction, phoria, tropia, stereopsis, fusion and accommodation were similar for the two groups. Convergence insufficiency was more common for the dyslexic group (36% for the visomotor dyslexic subgroup). The “general deficient “ subgroup also had decreased convergence amplitude (38%). Findings show a low accommodative /convergence ratio.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=8025065&ordinalpos;=3&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Atzmon D, Nemet P, Ishay A, Karni E. A randomized prospective masked and matched study of orthoptic treatment versus conventional reading tutoring treatment for reading disabilities in 62 children. Binocular Vis and Eye Muscle Surgery Qrtly 1993;8(2):91-106.
Summary: 120 reading disabled children were studied to determine if vision training can treat reading disabilities. This was a controlled study whereby 40 students were matched and randomly divided into three groups: orthoptic treatment, traditional reading tutoring and a no-treatment control. The first two groups were given two twenty minute training sessions per day. The results showed that increasing convergence amplitudes to 60A was as effective traditional in-school reading tutoring of the reading disabled. An added benefit of the OVT was that astheniopia disappeared. The author recommended OVT as additional treatment for reading disabled and primary treatment for students with astheniopia and convergence insufficiency symptoms.
Sucher DF, Stewart J. Vertical fixation disparity in learning disabled. Optom Vis Sci 1993;70(12):1038-43.
Summary: This study relates learning disabilities to refractive error, accommodative infacility, poor pursuits, and vertical disparity. Input to reading is mostly vision, thus, there are correlations to visual defects and learning problems. There was a high incidence of vertical disparity in 5th and 6th graders with learning disabilities. Problems with vertical oculomotor, vestibular and learning are discussed.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=8115127&ordinalpos;=3&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Barnard N, Crewther S, Crewther D. Visual processing and dyslexia. Clin Exp Optom 1996;79:19-27.
Summary: This paper is a review of current theories in reading disability. It summarizes research in this field confirming that most dyslexics have both transient and temporal processing problems with vision and other senses. Visual testing of transient function (flicker contrast) and temporal processing speed correspond to the magnocellar pathway. Students with deficits in this testing could be treated by methods that enhance visual attention and binocularity.
Kane M. Demise of a myth? J Am Optom Assoc 1992;63(2):86-89.
Summary: The author’s search of ophthalmology literature in 1990 shows about one dozen articles relating to binocular vision and learning. Optometry literature shows hundreds of published articles linking accommodative and convergence disorders to social, emotional, intellectual and academic behavior. Ophthalmology should not prorogate this myth to conceal the neglect of the past.;=Details
Kurz M, Bauer G, de Graaf ME. Convergence insufficiency and school difficulties (author's transl). Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 1975;167:669-78.
Summary: 124 normal children ages 6-9 with exophoria, convergence insufficiency and learning problems were treated with physiological diplopia, convergence training and surgical treatment. Medial rectus surgery was performed when patients failed with “ophthalmological home-work”. 65% of astheniopia disappeared within a few weeks. Improvement in concentration, reading and writing capacity was shown within months. The author recommended that visual exams of elementary students to detect visual defects.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=120
Rosner J, Rosner J. Relation between tonic accommodation and visual perceptual skills development in 6- to 12-year-old children. Optom Vis Sci 1989;66(8):526-9.
Summary: This study was to look for connections between tonic accommodation (TA) and visual perceptual skills (VPS). 162 children were assessed as to their tonic accommodation, VPS and refractive status. The results showed a high correlation between TA and VPS and refractive status. Children with high TA are more likely to have delays in VPS than children with low TA, regardless of refractive status.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=2771343&ordinalpos;=2&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Simons H, Grisham J. Binocular anomalies and reading problems. J Am Opt Assoc 1987; 58(7);578-87.
Summary: The authors reviewed the literature on the binocular anomalies and their relationship to reading problems. The review showed definitive relationship for exophoria, fusional vergence reserves, convergence insufficiency and other binocular diagnoses. There was a lesser relationship for esophoria and none for distance lateral phorias.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=3312379&ordinalpos;=1&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Stifter E, Burggasser G, Hirmann E, et al. Monocular and binocular reading performance in children with microstrabismic amblyopia. Br J Ophthalmol 2005;89(10):1324-9.
Summary: Reading performance of 40 (20 normal and 20 microstrabismic amblyopic) children was evaluated under monocular and binocular conditions. Significant differences were found in the binocular maximum reading speed (MRS) between the two groups. This held true for the monocular amblyopic eye also. The authors concluded that there would be reading impairment even when binocular visual acuity of both groups were similar.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=16170125&ordinalpos;=1&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Stein JF, Riddell P, Fowler S. Fine binocular control in dyslexic children. Eye 1987;1(Pt 3)433-8.
Summary: Dyslexic children complain of letters moving which may be caused by poor vergence control. 67% of dyslexics have poor control of vergence movements. Treatment using monocular occlusion and training helped 51% of dyslexics to improve reading.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=3308532&ordinalpos;=3&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Hoffman LG. Incidence of vision difficulties in children with learning disabilities. J Am Optom Assoc 1980;51(5)447-451.
Summary: Incidences of visual difficulties found in the learning disabled population were examined. Several of these visual difficulties are also found in a non-learning clinic population. There was found to be a higher incidence of visual difficulties in the learning disabled group.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=7391513&ordinalpos;=14&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Weisz CL. Clinical therapy for accommodative responses: transfer effects upon performance. J Am Optom Assoc 1979;50(2):209-16.
Summary: The study group was diagnosed with accommodative disorders and given accommodative training. A control group was given only perceptual-motor training. All subjects were tested pre and post therapy using a pencil-paper task. A significant decrease in errors occurred with the group receiving accommodative training compared to the control group. This shows a transfer of accommodative training to near point performance.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=379112&ordinalpos;=3&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Young B, Collier-Gary K, Schwing S. Visual factors - a primary cause of failure in beginning reading. J Optom Vis Devel 1994;25(Winter):276-88.
Abstracts from the COVD Journal: In a longitudinal study of 144 beginning readers in public school, data on 25 measures of visual efficiency were subjected to two- and three-way Analyses of Variance. Binocular function, visual acuity, discrepancies in acuity, and color deficiencies were all found to be statistically significant in impeding beginning reading. Significant differences were also found in the sequence of visual development between sexes, between eye dominance for different tasks, between specific factors for 6-, 7-, and 8- year olds and first and second grades. It was concluded that visual factors are a primary cause of beginning reading failure and that most current school screenings are inadequate in scope and rigor.
Garzia RP, Borsting EJ, Nicholson, SB, Press, LJ, Scheiman, MM, Solan, HA. Care of the patient with learning related vision problem: reference guide for clinicians. Optometric clinical practice guideline. St. Louis: American Optometric Association, 2000.
This optometric clinical practice guideline on the care of the patient with learning related vision problems describes appropriate evaluation methods and management strategies to reduce the risk of vision problems interfering with the learning process. It contains recommendations for timely diagnosis, intervention, and, when necessary, referral for consultation and/or treatment by another healthcare provider or education professional. This guideline will assist doctors of optometry with diagnosis of visual information processing problems, help in selection of instruments/tests, give strategies for patients with vision and learning problems, and help in the communication with parents and other professionals about the nature of a patient’s visual problems.
Many of those articles noted below come from a more complete list compiled by Roger Trudell, OD, FCOVD and can be found at
Fischer, B. A Sensory Fix for Problems in School. 2010 March Issue.
Learning disabilities such as dyslexia and dyscalculia may arise in part from faulty sensory processing.
Testing can identify specific sensory deficits: many dyslexics have trouble interpreting sounds; dyscalculics often show a diminished capacity to recognize quantity on sight, a skill called subitizing.
Targeted training can improve sensory processing, which in turn has a positive effect on reading, spelling and ¬arithmetic skills.
Lawton, T. Filtered Text and Direction Discrimination Training Improved Reading Fluency for Both Dyslexic and Normal Readers. Optom Vis Dev 2008;39 (3):114.
Finding much faster reading speeds for filtered text shows the value of individualized contrast Enhancement to improve reading skills. These image enhancement filters are unique and work well to improve the reading performance of children with contrast sensitivity losses. Moreover, training on direction discrimination improved the reading fluency of both dyslexic and normal readers.
Furthermore, the fact that colored text was always read much more slowly than equiluminant grayscale text may also suggest that the colored backgrounds produced by the Irlen lenses do not improve reading fluency. Finally, both digit image enhancement and direction discrimination training provide effective, convenient, and relatively inexpensive tools to improve reading.
Okumura T., Laukkanen H., Tamai H. Computerized Saccadic Eye Movement Therapy to Improve Oculomotor Control during Reading and Reading Rate in Adult Japanese Readers. Opt Vis Dev 2008: 39(4):191-197
These results suggest that CEMT, without supplementary reading instruction or educational intervention, can improve reading oculomotor performance with adult Japanese readers.
Fischer B, Hartnegg K. Saccade control in dyslexia: Development, deficits, training and transfer to reading. Optom Vis Dev 2008:39(4):181-190.
This study suggests that deficits in antisaccade control but not in prosaccade control contribute systematically to the problems of subjects with specific deficits in acquiring reading skills and that appropriate training can reduce the percentage of reading errors.
Fischer B, Hartnegg K. Instability of fixation in dyslexia: development - deficits - training. Optom Vis Dev 2009;40(4):221-228.
The results indicate that the two types of fixation instability are independent from each other. Both may contribute to problems of visual processing of those with dyslexia and possible other learning problems.
Maino D. The binocular vision dysfunction pandemic. Optom Vis Dev 2010;41(1):6-13.
“In 2010 there will be up to 9.3 million amblyopes and 18 million individuals with strabismus. For children under 18 years of age that means there will be more than 2 million amblyopes and millions Of children with strabismus. A clinical trial to determine the prevalence of binocular vision dysfunction Within the general population suggested the possibility of up to 56% or 60 million men, women and
young adults with symptoms associated with a binocular vision (BV) dysfunction, 45 million (61%) with accommodative problems and 28 million (38%) demonstrating various vergence anomalies….”
Granet DB, Gomi CF, Ventura R, Miller-Scholte A. The relationship between convergence insufficiency and ADHD. Strabismus. 2005 Dec;13(4):163-8.
We report a ... three-fold greater incidence of ADHD among patients with CI when compared with the incidence of ADHD in the general US population (1.8-3.3%). We also note a seeming three-fold greater incidence of CI in the ADHD population. This may simply represent an association and not be a causative relationship. Until further studies are performed, however, patients diagnosed with ADHD should be evaluated to identify ...[those]...that may ...CI ...
Comments: ADHD can certainly interfer with learning! DM
Motsch S, Muhlendyck H. Differentiation between dyslexia and reading disorder due to ocular causes. Ophthalmologe 2001;98(4):660-4.
Summary: Dyslexia is not believed to be caused by basic ocular disorders such as refractive error, accommodative and heterophoria. This study evaluated patients seen in the clinic for the past three years with dyslexia. 85% had ocular findings. 79% showed improved reading after therapy. Most had hyperopia, under accommodation, and exophoria. The results show the importance of correcting even small refractions when reading and writing disorders exist.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=11490745&ordinalpos;=3&itool;=EntrezSystem.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Burkhart F, Klaus H. Effects of visual training on saccade control and dyslexia. Perception 2000;29;531-42.
Summary: This study reports selected dyslexic children showing poor eye-movement control, particularly fixation stability and/or voluntary control. Three training tasks were done daily: 1. fixation 2. saccades and 3. use of a dystractor. The subject had to detect the orientation of a pattern rapidly. The children were give a small LCD device for daily home use. Results showed improved perceptual capacity and voluntary saccadic control. After 3-8 weeks the dyslexic findings were the same as the control group.
Biscaldi M, Fischer B, Hartnegg K. Voluntary saccadic control in dyslexia. Perception 2000;29(5):509-21.
Summary: Many dyslexics show poor saccadic control in both single and sequential tasks. This study tested dyslexics by requiring saccadic movement opposite the direction of the stimulus (an anti-saccade). 620 subjects were tested, 506 were dyslexic and the control had 114. All subjects did a forward saccade and a gap anti-saccade. Saccadic reaction time, number of errors, and number of number of trials the subject failed to complete the saccade were recorded. The results were significantly worse in dyslexics with a 1.5 standard deviation below the control group.
Fisher B, Hartnegg K. Effects of visual training on saccade control in dyslexia. Perception 2000; 29:531-42.
Summary: Three visual tasks were used to train a dyslexic group: a fixation, a saccade and a distractor condition. The subject was to detect orientation of a small pattern. A handheld LCD device was used for the training. Results show that daily training improved perceptual ability and voluntary saccadic control. After 3-8 weeks the dyslexic group matched the control.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=10992952&ordinalpos;=8&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Borsting E, Rider WH, Dudeck K, Kelley C, Matsui L, Motoyama J. The Presence of a magnocellular defects depends on the type of dyslexia. Vision Res 1996;36(7):1047-53.
Summary: Prior studies show that 75% of dyslexics have magnocellular pathway deficits. This study examined adults with both dyseidetic and dysphoneidetic dyslexia had magnocellular pathway deficits. Vertical contrast sensitivity functions were used. Findings show that dysphoneidetic form had a reduction below 10 Hz and dyseidetics did not. Results thus show that the type of dyslexia is consistent with the magnocellular deficit.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=8736263&ordinalpos;=18&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Eden GF, Stein JF, Wood HM, Wood FB. Differences in eye movements and reading problems in dyslexic and normal children. Vis Res 1994;34(10)1345-58.
Summary: Eye movements in dyslexics were studied during non-reading tasks. Fixation, vergence amplitude, saccades and pursuits were tested. The phonological ability of the two groups was compared. Stability of fixation, vergence amplitudes, smooth pursuits and phonological awareness were lower in dyslexics. Backwards reading children were compared to dyslexics and the findings between these two were similar. Sex, handedness, IQ or ADD did not affect performance of eye movement tasks. Oculomotor abnormalities in non-reading tasks show that the deficits are not caused by language problems alone.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=8023443&ordinalpos;=5&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Latvala ML, Korhonen TT, Penttinen M, Laippala P. Ophthalmic findings in dyslexic school children. Brit J Ophthal 1994;78(5)339-43.
Summary: A group of 55 dyslexics compared to a normal group (N = 50) was compared. They were broken down into six subgroups: general deficiency, general language, visuomotor, naming, mixed, and normal. VA, refraction, phoria, tropia, stereopsis, fusion and accommodation were similar for the two groups. Convergence insufficiency was more common for the dyslexic group (36% for the visomotor dyslexic subgroup). The “general deficient “ subgroup also had decreased convergence amplitude (38%). Findings show a low accommodative /convergence ratio.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=8025065&ordinalpos;=3&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Atzmon D, Nemet P, Ishay A, Karni E. A randomized prospective masked and matched study of orthoptic treatment versus conventional reading tutoring treatment for reading disabilities in 62 children. Binocular Vis and Eye Muscle Surgery Qrtly 1993;8(2):91-106.
Summary: 120 reading disabled children were studied to determine if vision training can treat reading disabilities. This was a controlled study whereby 40 students were matched and randomly divided into three groups: orthoptic treatment, traditional reading tutoring and a no-treatment control. The first two groups were given two twenty minute training sessions per day. The results showed that increasing convergence amplitudes to 60A was as effective traditional in-school reading tutoring of the reading disabled. An added benefit of the OVT was that astheniopia disappeared. The author recommended OVT as additional treatment for reading disabled and primary treatment for students with astheniopia and convergence insufficiency symptoms.
Sucher DF, Stewart J. Vertical fixation disparity in learning disabled. Optom Vis Sci 1993;70(12):1038-43.
Summary: This study relates learning disabilities to refractive error, accommodative infacility, poor pursuits, and vertical disparity. Input to reading is mostly vision, thus, there are correlations to visual defects and learning problems. There was a high incidence of vertical disparity in 5th and 6th graders with learning disabilities. Problems with vertical oculomotor, vestibular and learning are discussed.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=8115127&ordinalpos;=3&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Barnard N, Crewther S, Crewther D. Visual processing and dyslexia. Clin Exp Optom 1996;79:19-27.
Summary: This paper is a review of current theories in reading disability. It summarizes research in this field confirming that most dyslexics have both transient and temporal processing problems with vision and other senses. Visual testing of transient function (flicker contrast) and temporal processing speed correspond to the magnocellar pathway. Students with deficits in this testing could be treated by methods that enhance visual attention and binocularity.
Kane M. Demise of a myth? J Am Optom Assoc 1992;63(2):86-89.
Summary: The author’s search of ophthalmology literature in 1990 shows about one dozen articles relating to binocular vision and learning. Optometry literature shows hundreds of published articles linking accommodative and convergence disorders to social, emotional, intellectual and academic behavior. Ophthalmology should not prorogate this myth to conceal the neglect of the past.;=Details
Kurz M, Bauer G, de Graaf ME. Convergence insufficiency and school difficulties (author's transl). Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 1975;167:669-78.
Summary: 124 normal children ages 6-9 with exophoria, convergence insufficiency and learning problems were treated with physiological diplopia, convergence training and surgical treatment. Medial rectus surgery was performed when patients failed with “ophthalmological home-work”. 65% of astheniopia disappeared within a few weeks. Improvement in concentration, reading and writing capacity was shown within months. The author recommended that visual exams of elementary students to detect visual defects.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=120
Rosner J, Rosner J. Relation between tonic accommodation and visual perceptual skills development in 6- to 12-year-old children. Optom Vis Sci 1989;66(8):526-9.
Summary: This study was to look for connections between tonic accommodation (TA) and visual perceptual skills (VPS). 162 children were assessed as to their tonic accommodation, VPS and refractive status. The results showed a high correlation between TA and VPS and refractive status. Children with high TA are more likely to have delays in VPS than children with low TA, regardless of refractive status.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=2771343&ordinalpos;=2&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Simons H, Grisham J. Binocular anomalies and reading problems. J Am Opt Assoc 1987; 58(7);578-87.
Summary: The authors reviewed the literature on the binocular anomalies and their relationship to reading problems. The review showed definitive relationship for exophoria, fusional vergence reserves, convergence insufficiency and other binocular diagnoses. There was a lesser relationship for esophoria and none for distance lateral phorias.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=3312379&ordinalpos;=1&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Stifter E, Burggasser G, Hirmann E, et al. Monocular and binocular reading performance in children with microstrabismic amblyopia. Br J Ophthalmol 2005;89(10):1324-9.
Summary: Reading performance of 40 (20 normal and 20 microstrabismic amblyopic) children was evaluated under monocular and binocular conditions. Significant differences were found in the binocular maximum reading speed (MRS) between the two groups. This held true for the monocular amblyopic eye also. The authors concluded that there would be reading impairment even when binocular visual acuity of both groups were similar.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=16170125&ordinalpos;=1&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Stein JF, Riddell P, Fowler S. Fine binocular control in dyslexic children. Eye 1987;1(Pt 3)433-8.
Summary: Dyslexic children complain of letters moving which may be caused by poor vergence control. 67% of dyslexics have poor control of vergence movements. Treatment using monocular occlusion and training helped 51% of dyslexics to improve reading.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=3308532&ordinalpos;=3&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Hoffman LG. Incidence of vision difficulties in children with learning disabilities. J Am Optom Assoc 1980;51(5)447-451.
Summary: Incidences of visual difficulties found in the learning disabled population were examined. Several of these visual difficulties are also found in a non-learning clinic population. There was found to be a higher incidence of visual difficulties in the learning disabled group.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=7391513&ordinalpos;=14&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Weisz CL. Clinical therapy for accommodative responses: transfer effects upon performance. J Am Optom Assoc 1979;50(2):209-16.
Summary: The study group was diagnosed with accommodative disorders and given accommodative training. A control group was given only perceptual-motor training. All subjects were tested pre and post therapy using a pencil-paper task. A significant decrease in errors occurred with the group receiving accommodative training compared to the control group. This shows a transfer of accommodative training to near point performance.;=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch;=379112&ordinalpos;=3&itool;=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Young B, Collier-Gary K, Schwing S. Visual factors - a primary cause of failure in beginning reading. J Optom Vis Devel 1994;25(Winter):276-88.
Abstracts from the COVD Journal: In a longitudinal study of 144 beginning readers in public school, data on 25 measures of visual efficiency were subjected to two- and three-way Analyses of Variance. Binocular function, visual acuity, discrepancies in acuity, and color deficiencies were all found to be statistically significant in impeding beginning reading. Significant differences were also found in the sequence of visual development between sexes, between eye dominance for different tasks, between specific factors for 6-, 7-, and 8- year olds and first and second grades. It was concluded that visual factors are a primary cause of beginning reading failure and that most current school screenings are inadequate in scope and rigor.
Garzia RP, Borsting EJ, Nicholson, SB, Press, LJ, Scheiman, MM, Solan, HA. Care of the patient with learning related vision problem: reference guide for clinicians. Optometric clinical practice guideline. St. Louis: American Optometric Association, 2000.
This optometric clinical practice guideline on the care of the patient with learning related vision problems describes appropriate evaluation methods and management strategies to reduce the risk of vision problems interfering with the learning process. It contains recommendations for timely diagnosis, intervention, and, when necessary, referral for consultation and/or treatment by another healthcare provider or education professional. This guideline will assist doctors of optometry with diagnosis of visual information processing problems, help in selection of instruments/tests, give strategies for patients with vision and learning problems, and help in the communication with parents and other professionals about the nature of a patient’s visual problems.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Upcoming Meetings
The 78th International Conference on Light and Vision
April 29-May 1, 2010
Sirata Beach Resort
St. Petersburg, Florida
Contact: Ron Wahlmeier
2010 California Regional Vision Therapists ForumMay 14-15, 2010
Crown Plaza Hotel
San Diego, California
Contact: Lyna Dyson, COVT
College of Syntonic Optometry Curriculum IJune 5-6, 2010
Wyoming, Michigan
Contact: Robert Hohendorf
AOA CongressJune 16-20, 2010
Orlando, Florida
Motor Training within Vision Therapy
August 14-15, 2010
Palo Alto VA Medical Center Auditorium
Palo Alto, California
Contact: Thomas Headline
COVD 40th Annual MeetingCollege of Optometrists in Vision Development
October 12-16, 2010
Rio Mar Beach Resort
Rio Grande, Puerto Rico
AOA CongressJune 15-19, 2011
Salt Lake City, Utah
COVD 41st Annual Meeting
College of Optometrists in Vision Development
October 25-29, 2011
The Tropicana
Las Vegas, Nevada
April 29-May 1, 2010
Sirata Beach Resort
St. Petersburg, Florida
Contact: Ron Wahlmeier
2010 California Regional Vision Therapists ForumMay 14-15, 2010
Crown Plaza Hotel
San Diego, California
Contact: Lyna Dyson, COVT
College of Syntonic Optometry Curriculum IJune 5-6, 2010
Wyoming, Michigan
Contact: Robert Hohendorf
AOA CongressJune 16-20, 2010
Orlando, Florida
Motor Training within Vision Therapy
August 14-15, 2010
Palo Alto VA Medical Center Auditorium
Palo Alto, California
Contact: Thomas Headline
COVD 40th Annual MeetingCollege of Optometrists in Vision Development
October 12-16, 2010
Rio Mar Beach Resort
Rio Grande, Puerto Rico
AOA CongressJune 15-19, 2011
Salt Lake City, Utah
COVD 41st Annual Meeting
College of Optometrists in Vision Development
October 25-29, 2011
The Tropicana
Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
ICBO a Success at WesternU
...Professionals from a broad range of health-care fields participated in the 6th annual International Congress of Behavioral Optometry April 8-11 at the Doubletree Hotel in Ontario, CA, and on the campus of Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, CA. ...Conference attendees -- a total of about 525 from 17 countries, including 100 optometry students representing 10 schools -- sat in on presentations ranging from advances in vision therapy to the fundamental role of vision in cognition, behavior, and social organization, and from managing amblyopia to handling cross-examination questions during a court trial. ...
Comments: I was there. It was awesome! Incredible presentations from V.S. Ramachandran MD, PhD (think mirror neurons and neuroplasticity) to me (think traumatic brain injury and neuroplasticity) and much, much more. I plan to go again in 2014!! DM
Comments: I was there. It was awesome! Incredible presentations from V.S. Ramachandran MD, PhD (think mirror neurons and neuroplasticity) to me (think traumatic brain injury and neuroplasticity) and much, much more. I plan to go again in 2014!! DM
Study of primary convergence insufficiency
The present study was done to find out the incidence of primary insufficiency of involuntary convergence and evaluate the relative efficacy of synoptophore treatment against home exercise in its management. During the period of study, 2162 cases in the age group 15 to 35 years were studied for convergence in detail. It was found out that the incidence of primary convergence insufficiency is quite high (7.7% of total orthoptic clinic attendance). It commonly affects those who are constantly engaged in near work. Response to synoptophore exercises and home exercises is comparably equal. Recurrence of the ailment after stopping the exercises is not uncommon.
Comments: Click on title above to read full article. DM
Comments: Click on title above to read full article. DM
Creative And Active Play In Childhood Is Linked To Good Adult Health
...Play patterns established in childhood are linked to adult health and health behaviour. In particular playing creatively as a child predicts a healthier diet, and more active play is associated with generally better health. ... They surveyed 505 young adults about their experiences and opportunities for play during childhood. A range of information about weight, health and health behaviours was also collected. Four types of play were identified; active play, play involving technology, playing alone, and creative play. Four types of play were found to be linked in different ways to adult health....
Brain Training Games May Help Recovery From Brain Injury
...In the study, ... 32 people with a brain injury (recruited to the study through a brain injury charity, Headway East London) were asked to play a brain training game on a handheld electronic device (iPhone) for just 15 minutes. Researchers then tested the participants on a traditional memory recall task after the game, and found a significant improvement....Participants were also overwhelmingly favourable about using the games, and perceived them as fun and engaging and said they would continue to use them. ...
A More Accurate Picture Of The Autistic Brain Provided By Dual Approach
....A new study, the first of its kind, combines two complementary analytical brain imaging techniques, to provide a more comprehensive and accurate picture of the neuroanatomy of the autistic brain. The study, published in the April issue of neuroimaging journal Human Brain Mapping, was conducted by researchers at The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital - The Neuro, McGill University and the Universite de Montreal. The findings provide critical insight into autism and possible markers for the disease for use in early therapy and therapeutic strategies. ...
Scientists have identified new genes and pathways that influence an individual's typical pattern of brain electrical activity, a trait that may serve as a useful surrogate marker for more genetically complex traits and diseases. One of the genes, for example, was found to be associated with alcoholism.
A report of the findings by researchers at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health, appears online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
"This important advance sustains our hope for the potential of genome-wide association techniques to further the study of complex genetic disorders such as alcoholism," notes NIAAA Acting Director Kenneth R. Warren, Ph.D. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) allow researchers to rapidly scan the complete set of DNA of many individuals to find genetic variations associated with a particular disease or condition.
"One of the challenges in identifying the genes that underlie alcoholism is the large degree of genetic and environmental variability associated with the disease," explains first author Colin A. Hodgkinson, Ph.D., a geneticist in the NIAAA Laboratory of Neurogenetics. "Such variability has impeded even GWAS efforts to identify alcoholism genes. To overcome those difficulties, we used GWAS techniques to search for genetic variants related to EEG, or brain wave, patterns in a comparatively small sample of several hundred Native American individuals."
As unique as an individual's fingerprints, EEG (electroencephalogram) patterns are highly heritable, and have been associated with alcoholism and other psychiatric disorders. The high degree of genetic similarity and common environmental exposure shared by the Native American individuals that comprised the study sample aided this search.
Working with David Goldman, M.D., chief of the NIAAA Laboratory of Neurogenetics, Dr. Hodgkinson and colleagues identified multiple genes that were associated with the amplitude, or height, of two of the four characteristic electrical frequencies that make up the wave patterns found in EEG recordings. One of the genes, for example, was found to account for nearly 9 percent of the EEG theta wave variability seen in the Native American sample. Theta waves are relatively low-frequency brain waves, and previous studies have shown that their amplitude is altered among alcoholics. The researchers then showed that the same gene accounted for about 4 percent of theta wave variability in a sample of North American whites. The gene's diminished effect among whites, they noted, was likely a reflection of the greater genetic variability present in that sample. In the same study Dr. Goldman's group went on to show that genetic variation in one of the genes identified for theta wave variability was also associated with an altered risk for alcoholism.
"While our main findings are for genes that influence EEG wave patterns, this study represents an important step toward the use of EEG as a surrogate marker for alcoholism," notes Dr. Goldman. "It also reveals new molecular pathways involved in addiction processes."
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, part of the National Institutes of Health, is the primary U.S. agency for conducting and supporting research on the causes, consequences, prevention, and treatment of alcohol abuse, alcoholism, and alcohol problems. NIAAA also disseminates research findings to general, professional, and academic audiences. Additional alcohol research information and publications are available at.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) -- The Nation's Medical Research Agency -- includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is the primary federal agency for conducting and supporting basic, clinical and translational medical research, and it investigates the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit.
A report of the findings by researchers at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health, appears online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
"This important advance sustains our hope for the potential of genome-wide association techniques to further the study of complex genetic disorders such as alcoholism," notes NIAAA Acting Director Kenneth R. Warren, Ph.D. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) allow researchers to rapidly scan the complete set of DNA of many individuals to find genetic variations associated with a particular disease or condition.
"One of the challenges in identifying the genes that underlie alcoholism is the large degree of genetic and environmental variability associated with the disease," explains first author Colin A. Hodgkinson, Ph.D., a geneticist in the NIAAA Laboratory of Neurogenetics. "Such variability has impeded even GWAS efforts to identify alcoholism genes. To overcome those difficulties, we used GWAS techniques to search for genetic variants related to EEG, or brain wave, patterns in a comparatively small sample of several hundred Native American individuals."
As unique as an individual's fingerprints, EEG (electroencephalogram) patterns are highly heritable, and have been associated with alcoholism and other psychiatric disorders. The high degree of genetic similarity and common environmental exposure shared by the Native American individuals that comprised the study sample aided this search.
Working with David Goldman, M.D., chief of the NIAAA Laboratory of Neurogenetics, Dr. Hodgkinson and colleagues identified multiple genes that were associated with the amplitude, or height, of two of the four characteristic electrical frequencies that make up the wave patterns found in EEG recordings. One of the genes, for example, was found to account for nearly 9 percent of the EEG theta wave variability seen in the Native American sample. Theta waves are relatively low-frequency brain waves, and previous studies have shown that their amplitude is altered among alcoholics. The researchers then showed that the same gene accounted for about 4 percent of theta wave variability in a sample of North American whites. The gene's diminished effect among whites, they noted, was likely a reflection of the greater genetic variability present in that sample. In the same study Dr. Goldman's group went on to show that genetic variation in one of the genes identified for theta wave variability was also associated with an altered risk for alcoholism.
"While our main findings are for genes that influence EEG wave patterns, this study represents an important step toward the use of EEG as a surrogate marker for alcoholism," notes Dr. Goldman. "It also reveals new molecular pathways involved in addiction processes."
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, part of the National Institutes of Health, is the primary U.S. agency for conducting and supporting research on the causes, consequences, prevention, and treatment of alcohol abuse, alcoholism, and alcohol problems. NIAAA also disseminates research findings to general, professional, and academic audiences. Additional alcohol research information and publications are available at
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) -- The Nation's Medical Research Agency -- includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is the primary federal agency for conducting and supporting basic, clinical and translational medical research, and it investigates the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit
Invictus by William Ernest Henley (1849-1903).
Comments: Invictus is a poem I had to memorize and then present to a classroom of high school kids when I was a still gets to me! DM
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Comments: I know that this poem may seem to have little to do with what this blog is about....but if you think about it...optometry has always been an underdog...but always a "master of our fate...." and many times "bloodied but unbowed". One of our optometric leaders said (I wish I could remember who so that I could give him credi)..."We are no longer just on the menu, but have stepped up to the plate!" DM
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Comments: I know that this poem may seem to have little to do with what this blog is about....but if you think about it...optometry has always been an underdog...but always a "master of our fate...." and many times "bloodied but unbowed". One of our optometric leaders said (I wish I could remember who so that I could give him credi)..."We are no longer just on the menu, but have stepped up to the plate!" DM
Monday, April 26, 2010
Certain adult strabismus cases have good outlook for regaining stereopsis
...Adult strabismus subjects with binocular vision or a predisposition for stereopsis in childhood had binocular function improvement after adult strabismus surgery, a retrospective chart review found...."Adults who present to the strabismus surgeon with varying complaints of diplopia, abnormal head tilts, loss of binocularity or disruption to binocular visual fields have a positive outlook to regain stereopsis following surgical correction of strabismus, as seen in 59.6% of patients in our study.......
Comments: It is about time my ophthalmological colleagues realized that even adults can achieve binocularity if they have strabismus. I wish they'd read the book by Susan Barry PhD...Fixing My Gaze...they would see that optometric vision therapy can achieve the samething WITHOUT surgery! DM
Comments: It is about time my ophthalmological colleagues realized that even adults can achieve binocularity if they have strabismus. I wish they'd read the book by Susan Barry PhD...Fixing My Gaze...they would see that optometric vision therapy can achieve the samething WITHOUT surgery! DM
Optometrist Says New British Columbia Policy Is "Regression Into Third World Eye Care Model."
Canada's Vancouver Sun (4/22, Fowlie) reported that in British Columbia, "a new government policy that will soon allow people easier and cheaper access to prescription glasses and contact lenses is coming under fire as a reckless move that will compromise eye health throughout the province." Effective "May 1, healthy adults between 19 and 65 will be able to replace existing prescriptions without consulting a medical doctor or having a comprehensive eye health exam. People will also be able to order glasses or contacts online without having to provide a copy of their prescription." Antoinette Dumalo, OD, president of the British Columbia Association of Optometrists, stated, "The model that is being proposed is a regression into a third world eye care model," adding, "If non-doctors are allowed to perform assessments, a very critical safety guard is lost."
Comments: Those who live in BC need to re-evaluate the leadership of your government. What insanity is this? A comprehensive eye examination, including an assessment of refractive error, eye health AND binocular vision dysfunction should be considered the ONLY way your citizens receive eye care. Do the right thing by your country men and women...stop this maddness! DM
Comments: Those who live in BC need to re-evaluate the leadership of your government. What insanity is this? A comprehensive eye examination, including an assessment of refractive error, eye health AND binocular vision dysfunction should be considered the ONLY way your citizens receive eye care. Do the right thing by your country men and women...stop this maddness! DM
Where America Stands on Autism
Acquired Nonaccommodative Esotropia Not Associated With Intracranial Lesions
...Contrary to conventional thought, acquired nonaccommodative esotropia (ANAET) is common and not associated with the presence of intracranial lesions, according to a new retrospective study that followed up almost 200 patients diagnosed as having the disorder for an average of 11 years....
A new name for computer eye strain
Methadone Use During Pregnancy Associated With Risk Of Visual Problems In Babies.
From AOA First Look:
...according to a study published online in the British Journal of Ophthalmology, "infants whose mothers used methadone during pregnancy may be at risk for a range of visual problems." To arrive at this conclusion, Scottish researchers examined "records of children referred to a pediatric visual electrophysiology service." In 20 children, they found that "all but one...had reduced visual acuity, and 70% had nystagmus."
...according to a study published online in the British Journal of Ophthalmology, "infants whose mothers used methadone during pregnancy may be at risk for a range of visual problems." To arrive at this conclusion, Scottish researchers examined "records of children referred to a pediatric visual electrophysiology service." In 20 children, they found that "all but one...had reduced visual acuity, and 70% had nystagmus."
ICO Faculty, Yi Pang, OD, PhD featured on New England College of Optometry's Homepage

Illinois College of Optometry Faculty, Yi Pang, OD, PhD featured on New England College of Optometry's website homepage.
Dr. & Mrs. Dominick M. Maino Visiting Professor Continuing Education Program
Dr. & Mrs. Dominick M. Maino Visiting Professor Continuing Education Program
June 27, 2010 at the Illinois College of Optometry
6 Hours of CE Credit (Non-tested, COPE Pending)
8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Cost: $150
Should You Change the Way You Treat Amblyopia?
Medico-Legal Issues in Optometry
Evidence Based Treatment of Convergence Insufficiency
Meeting the Challenges of the Aging Population
Mitchell Scheiman, OD, FCOVD
Eric Conley, OD
Alfred Rosenbloom, OD, MA, DOS
Kara Crumbliss, OD
Continuing Education Coordinator
Illinois College of Optometry
3241 S. Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60616'
Please contact the CE Coordinator at 312-949-7426 or [email protected]
Program includes parking, continental breakfast, lunch, course materials, and certificate of attendance. No tests are offered for this program. All courses are COPE qualification pending. The last day to pre-register is June 23, 2010. All registrations received after this date are subject to a $25 late registration fee. You will receive an email confirmation within 3 business days after we receive your registration.
June 27, 2010 at the Illinois College of Optometry
6 Hours of CE Credit (Non-tested, COPE Pending)
8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Cost: $150
Should You Change the Way You Treat Amblyopia?
Medico-Legal Issues in Optometry
Evidence Based Treatment of Convergence Insufficiency
Meeting the Challenges of the Aging Population
Mitchell Scheiman, OD, FCOVD
Eric Conley, OD
Alfred Rosenbloom, OD, MA, DOS
Kara Crumbliss, OD
Continuing Education Coordinator
Illinois College of Optometry
3241 S. Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60616'
Please contact the CE Coordinator at 312-949-7426 or [email protected]
Program includes parking, continental breakfast, lunch, course materials, and certificate of attendance. No tests are offered for this program. All courses are COPE qualification pending. The last day to pre-register is June 23, 2010. All registrations received after this date are subject to a $25 late registration fee. You will receive an email confirmation within 3 business days after we receive your registration.
Understanding Retinal Disease: CE
Understanding Retinal Disease June 13, 2010 8:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.
Presented by the
Illinois College of Optometry &
The Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University
8 Hours (6 Hours TQ) of CE Credit in ICO’s Lecture Center
COPE Qualification Pending
The Posterior Segment: Structure, Function and Evaluation
Recognizing the Signs of Retinal Disease
New Technologies in AMD Management
Treatment and Low Vision Rehabilitation of Retinal Disease
Carlo J. Pelino, OD
Joseph J. Pizzimenti, OD
Seenu Hariprasad, MD
Tested (TQ) Credit: _____$225
Non-Tested Credit: _____$200
Continuing Education Coordinator
Illinois College of Optometry
3241 S. Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60616
Please contact the CE Coordinator at 312-949-7426 or [email protected]
This program is generously supported by an unrestricted educational grant from:
ALCON, Zeiss, ZEA Vision
Program includes parking, continental breakfast, lunch, course materials, and certificate of attendance. Tests will be in multiple-choice format and are optional. The tests will be mailed out following the event. One re-take will be permitted. All courses are COPE qualification pending. The last day to register is June 9, 2010. All registrations received after this date are subject to a $25 late registration fee. You will receive an email confirmation within 3 business days after we receive your registration. If you do not receive your confirmation, please call the CE Coordinator at 312-949-7426.
Presented by the
Illinois College of Optometry &
The Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University
8 Hours (6 Hours TQ) of CE Credit in ICO’s Lecture Center
COPE Qualification Pending
The Posterior Segment: Structure, Function and Evaluation
Recognizing the Signs of Retinal Disease
New Technologies in AMD Management
Treatment and Low Vision Rehabilitation of Retinal Disease
Carlo J. Pelino, OD
Joseph J. Pizzimenti, OD
Seenu Hariprasad, MD
Tested (TQ) Credit: _____$225
Non-Tested Credit: _____$200
Continuing Education Coordinator
Illinois College of Optometry
3241 S. Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60616
Please contact the CE Coordinator at 312-949-7426 or [email protected]
This program is generously supported by an unrestricted educational grant from:
ALCON, Zeiss, ZEA Vision
Program includes parking, continental breakfast, lunch, course materials, and certificate of attendance. Tests will be in multiple-choice format and are optional. The tests will be mailed out following the event. One re-take will be permitted. All courses are COPE qualification pending. The last day to register is June 9, 2010. All registrations received after this date are subject to a $25 late registration fee. You will receive an email confirmation within 3 business days after we receive your registration. If you do not receive your confirmation, please call the CE Coordinator at 312-949-7426.
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